I don't want any spoilers here for those who haven't seen the movie yet. Well I went and lined up to see The Dark Knight last night with a few friends of mine and I can tell you this movie will not dissapoint. Heath Ledger easily plays the best Joker I've ever seen (Even beating Jack Nicholson's character). The plot was perfect, and I got more from the movie than I bargained for. Seriously folks, if you are at all interested in seeing this movie (which most of us here are) go see this movie ASAP! I know a good amount of people went and saw it last night like me, so what were your impressions? My favorite part of the movie was "The Magic Trick" for those who know what I'm talking about....
The magic trick is awesome. I thought about just writng the spoilers in big bold text, but someone'd infract me, lol. I hope Batman threads arent spammed onto our forums. I feel 3 may be plenty. Unless they have a thought out OP. Which all three so far have.
I would infract you to the fullest extent possible, lol. And it was weird seeing all of the Chicago buildings in the movie....from The Olgalby Train Station to Navy Pier....they showed a lot of trademark locations from the city. I've litterally been to every scene that was shot during that movie(I lived in the city for a little bit). In some ways it made the movie cooler (Hey I've been there!), but at the same time ruined the overall Gotham feel to the city. They really didn't disguise Chicago as Gotham like they did in the last film, which I found surprising.....but I guess its just a perfect fit. The IMAX version is supposed to look AMAZING! 6 scenes were shot with IMAX cameras so it's definitely worth seeing on the big-ger screen.
my question is this: Did the replacement for Katie Holmes do her justice? i mean, i dont think Katies all that great of an actress, but ive already associated her with the character, and shes hard to forget... the new actress just kindof seemed just "there". I didnt get a "i like her" vibe from the trailer.
Yeah, I agree. That was the worst thing about the movie. Although it wasnt too bad. I dont think either of them truely did the role justice. But that's not to say they didnt do a good job. Edit: **** almost forgot this is the no spoilers thread.
As much as I hate Katie Holmes (and believe me I do), I think she played the role much better. The new actress (Jake Gyllinhall's sister) didn't seem strong/defiant enough in the role. She seemed very submissive and not outspoken like in the first film. That would actually be my only complaint with the film....but a small one at that. Her character doesn't play as large of a role as it did in Batman Begins, so it didn't effect the movie that much.
as long as shes bareable, it wont ruin the movie for me. i have a hard time with things like actor swaps. anyways, i see this tomorrow morning, so im excited batman begins was absolutely awesome... ya know how awesome? i didnt even like batman until that movie. i hate all of the other ones. [im a spiderman fan]
Dont think I didnt see that, John. Spiderman isnt worthy enough to even look at Batman. She doesnt play as huge of a role as she did in the first but she is a big part of Batman's character development.
Its honestly going to be hard to go back and watch the first one after seeing The Dark Knight, its that good. I must say, I LOVED the character developement in the movie...so many superhero movies just don't do it right. The Dark Knight exceeded my expectations in every way. PS - My favorite superhero film until last night was Spiderman 2, so be prepared for a possible fav switch.
I just watched Batman Begins a few hours ago. Its still awesome. They'll progressivly get better and better. Unlike the ones from the 90s where they progressivly got worse and worse.
I never thought I'd enjoy another Batman film when I saw Shwartzenager play Mr. Freeze....worst Batman film ever. I still enjoy the original with Micheal Keaton and Jack Nicholson though. Classic. And as long as they keep the villian count down per movie, sequels should be just fine. Remember the superhero formula folks: The more villians in a film, the shittier the movie.
Yeah that is a great movie. Jack Nicholson did a great job on that but Heath Ledger did a much better job. Keep in mind the style of villian in the 90s batman and in TDK's is very different. And the Joker's backstory is different in both.
Oh, I cannot wait to see this. I've been staying away from all the recent trailers and spoilers as to go in as fresh as I can (I do know more than I'd like to as it is), but I am totally chomping at the bit to see this. I'll have to wait until Sunday, as all the tickets here in Austin were already sold out. It's going to be crazy. Heath Ledger really seems to have captured what The Joker always was in my mind with all the comic reading I've done in my life - an utterly sick **** who only entertains himself. Although somewhat enjoyable at the time, I really can't stomach the previous installments of Bats, and I never thought Nicholson's version of The Joker was on the mark. But his character was still better than anything else that was put out on screen until Batman Begins (poor George Clooney, he got too much flack for Batman & Robin; Joel Schumacher and Akiva Goldsman were solely responsible for that shitfest). I think this will be the one movie that will live up to the hype.
IMO here is the Ranking for the Batman Movies The Dark Knight Batman Begins Batman Batman Returns Batman Forever Batman(1960s) Batman and Robin