Hey Forge Hub, I would like to show you a nice map that me and my xbl friend Schmoofy made. The map consists on a huge 3 story house for the defenders (very much like barts manor.) And a very unique truck for the attackers. The house has some pretty great asthentics added on to it. Like a garage, a pool, a fountain, and even a basketball net! This map is especially available for Team Slayer. Since I never make infection maps give me your ups and downs of this map so I can create more better maps for the future. Here are some awesome, epic, super cool pics of the map. Overview Basement The Garage (With Basketbal Hoop) The Attackers Spawn And Inside the House Please give this map a try and download and rate on this thread. Download Here. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Looks unoriginal and not my type tbh. Houses just arn't a decent thing anymore. Forge needs to evolve a bit, maybe bungie should make a map which has nothing. No background, no lighting, nothing. All there is is a big, grey floor. Budget - 2000, every forge item available. Unlimited items. Layout settings, background settings ect. Then forge will become something REALLY special.
So true. On every part of what you said. Especially the map that should be made. Except the budget shouldn't be so small. More like 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,999 for the budget. And no item limit for the map. Like when you put too much stuff on a map, it starts to auto-delete stuff. I hate that.
This map looks pretty good for infection but the whole house idea is really over forged. I don't think it earns a Dl from me. In V2, maybe give the zombies more ways in like the cielings and the roof. Map: (Unoriginal) 3/5 It could use some minor fixes but otherwise it looks okay for infection.
Seems like a good map for infection, and the construction itself is really nice, although I think you should have fused some things together that you didn't, ill be looking forward to a v2 of this map... 4/5
it looks pretty fun but, the zombies need more ways in (ex. I am Legend map) has a entrance thru the roof in the back, AND the front entrance. If you add those things in v2, alog w/ a few things others said, then yea, ill dl
3.5/5. Enough said. Actually, I do like the garage with the basketball hoop. Perhaps, if you make a v2, make the garage door open by a switch. That would be cool.
yup, they should have a freestyle map, blank map, unlimited items, unlimited money, and they should add AA Wraiths and Troop hogs to the vehicle list, and conveyor belts ps-nice map i might dl
attackers won't have to many options for entering and the mansion idea has already been done but all the decorations are pretty cool!
i agree with the house idea being over used but this had some original ideas or at least ive never seen them added (like the basket ball hoop)