Hello, I'm alienboy117, I just joined forge hub and so far am liking what I see. I live in N.B Canada, way out in the sticks. I got sick of playing halo 3 matchmaking then started to make my own maps to play on with freinds. I'm a fencer and work at a small Irving gas station, I'm also the founder of Clan Canada which occupies a lot of my time, in my spare time I'm usualy hanging out with my freinds or making a new potato or golf ball gun. Hope to play and forge with many of you soon!
same reason... god I want to make a potato gun...i dont think they're allowed on the street i live on tho :C welcome haha
Ok, Potato guns rule, but golf ball guns?!? I want one now! On a slightly less sadistic note, welcome to FH, it is indeed the resort for those who are tired of MM (even if its only temporary, I seem to drift in and out of each one) I've never heard of Clan Canada, I'm assuming its a Canadian Halo clan, but is it as big as its name suggests? If so, that's pretty cool, if not, then its still pretty cool as clans can be a lot of fun. Welcome to FH, hope I see you around the forums, enjoy.