Amnesty MLG based map, that is set up for all MLG gametypes. Download Amnesty Now Weapon List Weapon, Clip Size, Respawn Time Weapons Battle Riffle x10, 2 Clips, 10 secs Carbine x4, 2 Clips, 90 secs Rocket Launcher x1, 0 Clips, 120 secs Grenades Frag Grenade x4, 30 secs Plasma Grenade x4, 30 secs Description: I Made this map over a period of two days that was probably like 13 hours of making and remaking parts of the map to make it as best as possible. This is not a typical MLG map where there is two bases and two side structures (A and B) In my map there is two bases and a middle wall type thing that you can go under and over in multiple ways. Of course there is two spawns Red and Blue, either spawn there are four ways you can go. One go to A Side of the map and go under the battery type thing where you will enter on there side of the map. Two go to B Side of the map and go under the Battery where you will also enter on the other side of the map. Three you can go directly under the rocket spawn (Middle of the map) and enter on the other side of the map. Finally you can go forward and jump up on the geo-merged box then jump up to the middle wall then walk up the bridge made out of walls and grab the rocket. Yes i know the major MLG fans will freak out because there is shield doors on the map, but they are not used for actually playing they are out of the way and for decoration ONLY. So MLG fans dont say that its nota real MLG map because there is shield doors i know, they are for decoration. The bases take up the whole width of Foundry and is multi leveled. The bottom of the Base are pretty big, also in front of the bases are 2 geo-merged corner walls and two dumpsters. On the Sides of the batterys are two little platforms that you can jump on and hide or use it to get hight on your opponents. Amnesty is MLG based so play with 3v3 teams or 4v4 teams Pictures Red Base Overview Red Base A Side Red Base B Side Blue Base Overview Blue Base A Side Blue Base B Side A Side Overview B Side Overview Well Thank you for take the time to take a looking at my map Amnesty comment and rate your thoughts and suggestions. Amnesty Creator Adelyss PS: Credit to blaze for inspiring me to put the Battery type things on the middle wall from his Map called Battery.
1 thing i noticed about both your maps ive seen is that you cant come up with very original stuff seeing as you used the ghost switch for your other map now the tower shield door things from my map battery. besides that this map is a good set up i like the middle bridge and your use for the shield doors are goodi rather like how you did use them. the geo-merging is goodand same with everything else.. good job. if i findany problems ill let yu know.
This map looks excellent just like Profound. You are really good at geo-merging. I love the fact that you made your own "crane" to make it have a symmetrical look to it. 4/5
One thing I like besides the geo-merging and the interlocking is that it actually stands out from other MLG maps. Even though something arent oringinal (like stated above) I still think its a good map. DLed and a 4.5/5.
wow first profound, and now this, man i hate to repeat what those before me have said, but you truly keep amazing. I'd like to forge with ya and learn some tricks sometime. 4.75/5
Hey blaze i know, i can not come up with origional ideas at all. Its my weakness at forging. Thanks for all the great feedback again guys it makes me strive to make better maps in the future. I do need to come up with my own ideas but its really hard for me and i can never do it. and Ak Gumby, im sorry but i didnt do those myself i just loaded up the MLG map Amplifided and deleted everything from it except those cranes, then build by over blocked off canvas off of it so i dont have to do it in the future. Fluffy thank for for saying it stands out, im so sick of seing MLG maps that have two bases and two small side bases so i made one different. I would also like to see some suggestions from you guys so i can make these maps better.
the maps doesnt seem to have many flaws btw so i donno what to say about improving.. which is a good thing. for now on if you use an idea of some1 elses you should deff give credit to them and there map as well aseven asking them so you dont get flamed.. i seen that skittles got all mad. thats bound to happen again if you dont do that. but your a good forger in every way but that and i think you may just notbetrying as hard as you can to think up things.
i really like the way youve interlocked the walls with boxes, it looks fantastic. i see im going to have a hard time not downloading, just to look and observe. and eventually obsorb it into my brain juice. uh em, and destroy the earth....