Profound A Asymmetrical Map Featuring a Vehicle Lifting Switch Download Profound Now This Map Has Tons of Geo-merging, and Interlocking. Credit to a pmp nmd slkbk, for making the first ever car lifter switch and xxTXGHOSTxx for making a bigger model. Weapon List Weapon, Clip Size, Respawn Time Weapons Battle Riffle x7, 2 Clips, 30 secs Sniper Riffle x1, 1 Clip, 120 secs Rocket Launcher x1, 1 Clip, 150 secs Smg x2, 2 Clips, 45 secs Spiker x4, 2 Clips, 30 secs Needler x1, 2 Clips, 60 secs Plasma Pistol x1, 45 secs Machine Gun Turret x1, 120 secs Grenades Plasma Grenade x4, 30 secs Frag Grenade x2, 20 secs Equipment Power Drain x1, 90 secs Regenerator x1, 90 secs Power Ups Active Camo x1, 150 secs Vehicles Ghost x1, 120 secs Description: Profound is a Asymmetrical map that has a working vehicle lifting switch! There are two main spawn areas for this map, The Giant Fusion Coil (Defenders) and the Sniper Corner (Attackers) If you spawn at the Giant Fusion Coil you have 3 choices. One You can take a left and go along a back wall and jump off after the bridge and run for the switch (Lifts a Ghost up to you), but be warned it is pretty crazy trying to get the ghost at first. Two you can take a right and go down a little tower and jump off and run to the Rocket/ Kind of By Active Camo and try to get there before the Attackers do. Three you can run straight off your spawn spot and run to the Attackers spawn and cut them off depending which way they are going. If you spawn at the Attackers Spawn you have four choices. One Take a right and head towards the Ghost ramp which will take you up to the ghost liftting switch. Two Take a left when you start and run to the Active Camo and try and take out the Rocket Guy from the Defenders. Three Head straight and try to cut off the Defenders depending on which way they are going. Finally Four turn all the way around and jump up a geo-merged box then jump up the sniper tower ramp and head for the Sniper to try and pick off a few guys before they get to the ghost. Be warned though the two major rushing spots are the Ghost, and the Rockets/ Active Camo. Thoughts About the Map I really only started this map because i was searching h3 artificer and saw how cool it would be to put a switch into my map and when i saw the Car Lifter made by xxTXGHOSTxx i knew what i wanted in my map. The overall layout i didn't have planned i kind of just went with the flow and started experimenting with different buildings. The map i would say took me about 15 hours or so to make and it put me down to $1 left in my forge budget. Profound Plays Best with 4-8 Players Now time for some pictures Giant Fusion Coil/ Defenders Spawn Attackers Spawn/ Sniper Tower Ghost Spawn/ Switch Activating Area Rocket/ Active camo Spawn (Active Camo is behind the corner wall next to the rocket[Yes i know rocket and active camo are by each other but the attackers cant get the rockets before defenders]) Looking down Ghost Ramp to Attackers Spawn Switch Not Activated Switch Activated and now you can drive the Ghost Well Thank you for take the time to take a looking at my map Profound please comment and rate your thoughts and suggestions. Profound Creator Adelyss
this is nice, i haven't gotten to seen a map by you yet Adelyss. First off let me say... i LOVE the Ghost Switch, very innovative and i never would of thought of that. definitely adds a little twist. anyway, the layout looks tremendous and i see your forging skills are up to par with the geomerging. The map looks great and i will definitely DL and try to play this very soon. great work.
Umm, excuse me. That switch is exactly in every way like my Ghost switch. He did not in any way create that, nor doeshe deserve any credit for it. I want you all to know that.
This looks like an excellent map!!! Your interlocking and geo-merging is flawless. This map is staying in my hard drive for a loooong time. I hope to see more maps from you! 5/5
Holy crap! This map looks amazing! I love the interlocking and weapon placements! Probably the best part (for me atleast) was the vehicle lift. I'll have to check the map in forge to see how that works. Also, i like how the ghost is balanced out by the sniper, stickies, and of course, the rocket launcher and power drain. Good job, no wait, Best job i've seen. So, i guess i have to give out a: Map: 5/5 Weapon Balance: 5/5 Overall: 5/5 EDIT: Ohh...sorry about the vehicle switch thing skittle, i was typing and didn't see your post until i was done. It's still awesome though.... EDIT V2: (lol) What gametypes does the map support?
cool awesome amazing profound (teehee) awesome map with incorporated switch...could you PM me with a closeup of what that thing in the first pic was? EDIT: i knew i saw that switch somewher....oh yeah H3ARTIFICERS ALL THE WAY WOOHOO! plz give credit to skittlemeister for that!
Looks great! I love the geoglitching. I especially love the switch you made with the ghost! Great work 5/5
i knew from the beginnning it was someone else's...god damn i hate that! (when ppl steal other ppl's stuff....)
Skittle... really? the switch isn't just yours. Iknow what your going through. i had a similar case 2. i made a carnival map and 3 days l8er some guy post a map called the fair. just because the switch you made is the same as this 1 doesn't mean it is yours. unless you went 2 h3Artificeters and got a paten on it and then they have to give you some credit. otherwise the map looks awesome interlocking is neat and stuff so nice job!
fantastic interlocking andd geomerging, ill download for sure. ialso like the layout, its very creative and i like the way youve rendered it. very nice.
Oh oh oh i found you at forgehub Adelyss! friggin' sweet map! there's a lot of originality in this map, like the A signs + teleporter, which looks almost like the shield door version in "battery". The ghost switch is definately original and fits good into the map and i admire your work with bridges. +rep! Also, it's getting late, but i'll DL it and check it out tomorrow.
Great map, the interlocking is brilliant and that ghost switch is far better! I really like it, and I also gave it a download.
Skittle you may have made the switch, but he made the map around it, quit being such a hot head and be happy that people have begun to realise your switch, and I suggest you make a thread of just the switch alon before someone claims it's theirs.