I've never heard of this convention, does anyone else know if it is standard MLG practice. I didn't notice it on MLG Amplified (pretty definitively MLG sanctioned) but then again I wasn't looking.
I've decided that, unless the Staff themselves come up with a definition of what MLG maps have to be/cannot be then I will leave it open to interpretation. This is not just because its easier (which it is) but because this thread is supposed to work like a subforum. There are certain rules, set out by the FH staff, about what defines a competitive map, a casual map etc. and so this thread will enforce no rules beyond what the staff state themselves. Whilst this may be disagreeable to some, this thread is not supposed to undermine the staff in any way, nor is it meant to establish a "gold standard of MLG", it is purely a reference guide to help people find maps that are intended for MLG. I do reserve the right to omit any maps that fall way outside what I (and others) consider to be MLG standards. I know what I said about validity of opinions, but this is mah thread, so thats how it goes unless anyone comes up with a better solution or the staff define MLG themselves.
System link is only for tournaments. And of course they have things such as Gamebattles and just plain old matchmaking. And Pegasi, technically one could say you're violating MLG copyright by setting your own limits for their gametypes.
I haven't actually thanked you guys for taking an interest and trying to help me improve this thread, so thank you. It is appreciated, and if more people take this thread as seriously then its usefulness factor will increase rapidly Cheers guys.
Lol, I saw it on the forum overview and added it already, thanks anyway though, you is now at the top of the list, kudos. I understand your point, but I think we can agree than any legal considerations have been thrown out of the window long ago here on FH, this thread is actually trying to avoid any clashes with MLG standards by not even attempting to define MLG. I have taken your comments on board however, and I am now in the process of creating a refined sister thread with strictly defined criteria.
thanks again, cant believe it have 70 Dl's already. just wondering, have you checked it out? MLG Carbon Sector v2 download
Yeh I like the look of it, feels bigger than many MLG maps. I've noticed it bobbing at the top of the forum quite alot as well, so hope it keeps it up. When I get a chance to have a proper forgethrough and have the time, I'll write up my thoughts on the thread. But a couple of nice things I noticed are the 3d mock up in the thread, a nice touch, and little things like the doors in front of the flag spawns, nicely placed objects like that.
Wow this is good stuff, there is alot of MLG maps! Cheers for putting in the man-hours Pegasi it is muchos appreciated.
Pegasi I have no idea how I looked over this, thank you very much for making this thread. I still think a sub forum would be better, but I'm extremely happy someone took up the initiative to make this. I'll plus rep you once I'm able to again.
Hi I would just like to tell you tat my map Cross Hill v2 is not an MLG Map. I just put it in the tags so people will find it when they type it.
I know that MLG Ninja stole MLG citidale, so you might want to remove it or possibly find the real maker. Also are all the maps on here up to MLG standards?
I'll remove MLG Citidel for now, but would need proof of the original map maker before reposting it either way. The opening post explains how maps are selected for this thread, this is not a judgement on any map it links to, but is supposed to act like a theoretical subforum. In the same way that a user can put the MLG prefix on a map if they consider it to be MLG, it will be included in here if the map maker has defined it as MLG. This thread does not purport to endorse any maps as MLG Standard, if you're looking for a more refined list with defined criteria, check out the Pegasi MLG Rundown that is linked in the OP.