Vertigon Vertigon is the first real map that i made and my second post. Vertigon is an asymmetrical map that is the size of the main part of foundry. It is fairly open at ground level, but has many towers and platforms in the air (hence name VERTIgon). It is designed mostly for team slayer, with the towers and platforms forcing many long-range battles. The map has a square structure in the center with towers on two of the corners. this has a spiker and an smg. The rockets spawn in the center on the ground. There is a tunnel above the map that spans the length of it. The interlocked double open boxes have a smooth walking surface. Two bunker-like structures are on opposite sides of the map. There are destructible pallet platforms on both sides the map. These allow you to reach the two triangular towers on the edges of the map. There are BRs and Carbines on many of the towers and structures. There is also a brute shot on a structure near the wall. Weapons and equipment: BR x6--30 sec respawn Carbine x4--30 sec Brute shot x1--45 sec Rocket launcher x1--2 min smg x2--30 sec brute spiker x2--30 sec magnum x2--30 sec spike grenade x8-- 20 sec frag x6--10 sec Supported gametypes: team slayer team king supports up to 10 players, recommended for mostly 3v3 or 4v4 overviews from different angles tunnel entrances Center One of the "bunkers" Pallet platforms There used to be a problem with camping here... The tunnel is safe and quick... if you are alone Long range battle Have Fun, Download here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Hmmm, I have no clue how you got the name... but the map looks pretty well done, but all of the platforms have no cover, so if theres a sniper in there it's easy pickings for him. Make a very well done V.2 With more cover and less fusion coils. That should make this map like... awsome. It also looks like there aren't any power weapons. If your shoot for MLG, just a few BRS, a few Carbines, and a mauler. If not more weapons are needed.
that thing in the sky reminds me of jed wali, and the interlocking easily deserves a 4.5/5 or higher, and good job on geomerging.
Looks interesting, but it does seem that you stole the blue fence box idea from the MLG map in matchmaking.
you mean the one in the wall? i just put those in my wall b/c i typically dont use many of them in my maps and it turns blue b/c of the lighting there
looks good. i like how wherever one is they are still in part of the map, not a lot of empty space, great job!
looks fun i like the layout and the tunnel reminds me of jedwali, which means its good, looks big and ther looks like thers a gd amount of cover,
I think that its is an interesting map with good use of interlocking and geomerging, keep up the good work !
i barely see any intlerocking, but the geo-merginng is fantstic!. it could be better if you made a v2
its an average map, except i like the layout, and also the pallet platforms...the greatest problem i saw was in the 4th pic where you just have a fencwall just LYING down on a bridge with no merging...that sucks if you have to run over it, and you bump up each time! keep it up, make it more advanced, and it moves up to a 4/5, but for now, 3/5
Wow, this looks different then when I last played it. And why did you have to take away the snipers. That was the only way I could kick everyones a**. Overall a good map and I back you up with removing the snipers, it was to open. And i like how you made it easier to get up to that top tunnel, or at least it looks easier. Did you happen to add more carbines and battle rifles cause i could never find any.
ya i was going to merge those but when i tried walking up it, there was no bump so i didnt think there was need to merge
this map looks interesting then i downloaded it and played it and i really like it i like the map alot after play 5/5
3 things, one, the layout looks interesting and im thinking of downloading this, two the name vertigo has been used before, some time ago so your excused however, and three, WHY IS THAT GIRL ON YOUR PICTURE!! SHE SCARES ME WITH HER AQUARDLY MASSIVE HAIR... ILL ONLY DOWNLOAD IF YOU MAKE HER GO AWAY!! ok never mind ill still download, i understand people can have different opinions on aquardly massive hair.....