Originial map: Foundry I have been working on this map for a long time (15 hours) but I finally finished it. It is a symetrical 2-base map, and everything is Forged well (all objects fused together, boxes glitched into walls, walls in the crane and ceiling, etc.) The original design for most of the map came from iWarside (other GTs are Veilside V and CRY515) who basically designed the two main towers on the map. Because his was some rough Forging, I asked him if I could redo it and change the bases and he said sure, so this is the final product. I really think this map has potential for MLG (not like my other one, you know, The Kingdom of MLG) so please test it and scrutinize. I do not have an FFA version yet but I have the TS, CTF, and Oddball settings already in the map. Blue base Red base What Crane? A-side blue A1/ BOTTOM A B2 looking A2 A3 looking top mid MOST credit is going to II Ender ll for making the map except for like 1/3 of it. Download link: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Service Record
i don't see any relation to a 7/11 a- ohh. this is a competeive map! well this looks like is a good mlg map. i like the bases and the interlocking is good. i like this better then the kingdom and the forgeing 101 tecqhnuices are shown well here. nice job!
Much better than Kingdom, but still not MLG worthy, well maybe if you add more to the bases widthwise, and btw, nice corner in the crane
awww i was looking for a playable 7/11... Oh well it is still a great map, i didn't realise you could geomerge the crane...
This looks like a very nice map. Excellent job crane merging! Can you show us a weapon list though please? The only thing I would change would be to make the bases more... interesting. 4.5/5
i dont quite like the random scattered boxes on the ground...could be replace with a geo merged single in the middle and other crapola around it, but 3/5 never the less
I'm not a great fan on MLG maps in general, they fail to grab my attention when looking at them as they really are about finetuned gameplay which is hard to appreciate before playing a good few games on them. But I am glad you didn't put MLG in the name, it leaves it more open and invites less "this isn't MLG for whatever reason" comments. This map does appeal to me more than is generally the case though, I like how you have focused on a larger central high point. It looks nice and big but open at either end and easy to get to, so camping and position domination shouldn't be too much of a problem. I have a couple of structural suggestions that I would implement, but they are arguably personal preference so take what you will from them. I would extend the bases a little across the back walls, the gaps between them and the structural work on each side look a little big, as does the gap in the middle. MLG maps are all about a good balance between easy flow and good area separation, and this map looks like a little too much of it is visible from each position. Basically, a little more separation across the middle of the map and a bit more added to each base could really help. Maybe add something more to the middle of the map, something that blocks each base from seeing each other so easily, and extend the bases sideways more. Those single boxes in the middle look a little far out as well, if you merged them into the wall floors that they are just touching on one corner then it would make movement easier and give you more room to add structural work in the middle. The structural work along each side of the map looks nice though, clean, easy to move around and very defined. I actually like the fact that the bases are kinda closed from the front, at least in terms of jumping on top of them, and think the raised single box in the middle of each base making a kind of door at the bottom is a nice idea. Some may disagree though and you might want to consider adding a dumpster or two to the front of each base, just to give more attack routes etc for CTF. This is a matter of preference though, and if you decide to keep the middle of the map more open then I would advise that you don't add any dumpsters, it would make running down the middle of the map way too easy for flag caps. The crane could also be a problem for diehard MLG fanatics, as it does technically unbalance the map. Theres little that can be done in this respect short of geomerging a single box with it then placing one in the same place on the other side, but if you feel this would ruin the flow of the map then I'd say leave it as it is. I think this could be a map I really like if the bases and middle structure were extended a bit, but I'd listen to the majority view on this one, whatever it is. I'd also be interested to see an FFA version of this map as you say, because it can be hard to make a good MLG work for FFA as well as team. Overall, good impressions, nice one.
your interlocking and fusing into the crain are fantastic, but i dont really like the maps layout, the boxes in the middle seem a little throuwn in.
I really like this map, although I beleive that the top sections are way more thought out than the lower sections. They are way too open down there for my tastes. Keep up the good work!!
i think it could use more cover, and maybe more then two ways to lead to the platform in the center of the map, interlocking is good though, 3.5/5
Looks pretty cool. It looks like you have a very nice layout and the interlocking was exacuted very well and not sloppy. Nice work.
this is a great map ill give it 5/5 and how do u make links so that its just a word tht u click on like a bungie link into click here thanx
Boring It's a great map but the bases look a little boring, and accaully they don't really look like bases at all. I would suggest maybe makin it have a roof and make it bigger useing double boxes merged together. But otherwise nice job. One question though...... why are there two doors for cover on one side but not the other.