Good Guide, Truthfully, I didn't read half of it, I'm already good enough. That's right, I said it. Anyway, only problem I saw with the guide is a bunch of typo's. lulz
Yeah i've still ben lazy enough not to fix those. But its always nice to be prepared...[/hasnoideawtfhejustsaid]
Thanks man and if it does please post a comment here so I can add you to the epic list of helped people.Thanks man (I'd rep you but im 24'd =()
I didn't even try reading that. Got a head-ache just looking at it. Color Coding is good, just don't exaggerate...
Like, the colors where kinda blinding... That's what I meant. You could have Colored Topics for each Paragraph or idea, but too much color makes it a bit unpleasant. But the guide's good, don't worry about that. I just get curious why everyone is making guides....COwUanGtsHloCOyaUlGHCOUGH Jk.
Well actually I did it to help people.ANd unlike mine form others I acually spent time.And thanks I'll fix those annyoing things now.
I cant beleive people didnt know bout this stuff already Seems like common sense to me but what ev. Its cool to see people actually getting helped I guess.
You learn something everyday?But thanks I guess and I might consider making more guides if people want me to.Like indiviudial ones to each playlist??
Omg no comez back i dunno want a disappearz. Alright I'll write up an indivuidual playlist guide/forging/fixing mike/fapping.
holy effin shiznatz, this guide helped lol. i was just doing team swat with sensitivity 1, i did alright but got pwned by more experienced players (first time on swat remember). but then i go to team slayer, pick up a br and I instantly notice worlds of freakin improvement when I still had my sensitivity on 1. I went on a 13 kill streak with the BR before I ran out of ammo, had to switch to my secondary weapon (sword) and then died. Total kills for the game was 25, i pulled half of the 4 man teams weight. I love the br now thanks to the sensitivity tip (though I'm still not sure if it's enough to make it starting weapon lol). But yeah this is awesome! lol