Advanced Video Capture Guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Penguinish, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    Dont, feel like bothering with everything? Just want to get started, and get your feet wet? Then vist this thread to view the basics!

    First things first. You need a Capture Card, or Capture Device. In this guide I will be using an external capture device, called Dazzle DVC 90.


    As you see it has a yellow video jack, a s video port, and white, red, audio jack. Next, you need the scource of what you want to capture. In this case I will be using my xbox cables.


    Assuming you know that all you need to do is match the cables with the jacks right? Worng, this is the advance guide, were going to make things easier to record. This is where our friendly Y-cables come in.


    The Y-cables have 3 ends, 2 male ends, and a female end. Whats with the big gold one? You dont need the gold one, but its more expensive, and gives a better quaility when used for splitting the Video signal, you can use a small black one for video too, but i use those for audio.

    Female Male

    Now using your xbox cables insert each one, in to the female end of the y cables.


    Now 1 of each cable into their color coded jacks in the capture card.

    Next insert the remaining male ends into their approite place on your tv.
    Now, what we have done is Split the signal of all 3 source ( video, left audio, and right audio. ) from the xbox, to our TV, and Computer. Now you no longer have to stare at your video capturing programs small preview screen.

    See, i have a preview on both my laptop, and tv!

    Wait, whats that? Your capture device is to far away from your tv, so you cant split the signals? Well your going to need a double sided A/V cable, and a Coupler.

    double sided a/v cable on the left, coupler on the right.


    Now that we have a extended cable put the other end of your cable in to your capture device, and the y-cables in the coupler. Ta-DA!

    Thats pretty much it, on how to set up your video capture device, the advance way, yes, it will cost a bit more, not so much, but in the end its alot easier on you.

    Wait! How do i capture, and edit video?

    Well theres many ways on going about doing this, one way being is that if you buy a dazzle/pinnacle capture device, it comes with its own captureing program, and video editor in one. Infact most capture devices will come with thier own capturing programs, and another disk for video editing.
    I use pinnacle studio 10.8 to capture video.

    When im editing video i use Sony Vegas, and Adobe After Effects.
    Sony Vegas
    making blood spew from a guys head in after effects.

    When your making machinima, or just editing a video in general, never, ever, no matter what cirumstance, use Windows Movie Maker. Find a diffrent video edting program, theres lots of good ones, and some have free trials!



    What is video Capture?

    Video Capture is the process in witch we use a Capture Card, or Capture Device, to capture video and audio from an composite source, such as, your gaming console, or camcorder.

    Capture Card, Capture Device, whats the difference?

    A capture card, is a PCI card that you insert in to one of your PCI slots ( no innuendo here) PCI slots are found in the back of your desktop computer. A capture card cannot be used on a laptop.


    A Capture Device, or External Capture Card as some people like to call it. This Device will connect to your computer via USB. These are the most verstile for capturing, because they can be used on any computer with a decent processor, and USB 2.0 slot.

    How much does a capture card/device cost?

    Most cards/devices cost around $80-$300 USD.

    What should i get, external, or card?

    Both are good. Internals, are conncted directly to your motherboard, and that makes for faster, and better video quaility. However, you can use an external on both a laptop and desktop. And its hassle free, because no need to take your computer apart. Quaility is heavly dependet on your computers processor. If you have a shitty computer, theres still hope, pinncale video transfer. It will record your videos with out the need for a good processor.

    Well if processors are soo important when video capturing, whats the ideal speed?

    1.4GHz is decent but idealy you will want anything 1.7GHz, and up.

    How much do those Y-cables cost, and where can i find them?

    You can find them at your local electronic store, i got mine at radio shack for about $7 each.

    How do i know what card is right for me?

    Well the best way would be to look at the capture card database over at halo3forum.

    I have an hdtv, and everything you need to capture, only problem is that my capture card dosnt detect my signal.

    Thats because your xbox is set to HDTV, and your box is sending signal to your hdcables, and not your yellow video cable, simiply hit the switch to TV mode on the back of your box.

    UGH! this looks like **** on my HDTV are there any HD cards?!

    yes, but they are a hefty price! I know of a Card, and External, the card is called intensity Pro, and your going to need a ****ing awesome computer to run it. The other external one is the Huppage HD PVR. Both are equaly expensive ranging up to 250-300 dollars USD.

    What card do you use?

    I use a dazzle DVC 90, as seen in the above guide. Its no longer manufactred. However, better ones can be found at Pinnacle Systems- Video Transfer/Capture|Move, archive, share your videos/

    I seen you broadcast over at - Penguinish Tv - Live Streaming Video how do you broadcast your gameplay?

    Well, thinks my capture card is a webcam, and im able to broadcast, because of that. I know people who have capture cards, and dosnt pick them up, i have no idea on how to get them to work, mine just did.


    After Effects, and Vegas Cost too much! Where can i get them for.. "free"
    Thats your problem, and im not telling you. However, most video editing programs have free 30 day trials.

    If you have anyother questions, just ask, ill use the best of my knowlage to help.

    #1 Penguinish, Jul 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
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  2. cgamer2021

    cgamer2021 Ancient
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    I have a question. Do I Need to buy the extra cables, or can I run it like that.
  3. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    You, dont have to buy any of the y cables, double sides a/v cables, and coupler.

    But if you want to be able to play on your tv, and record on your computer at the same time, then you need the y cables.

    Its just so much easier to dish out 20 bucks and get the y cables, because it also eliminates the need to switch your xbox cables back and forth from the tv, and card.
  4. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    why not just delete my thread you jocker or just add to it lol jk nice im just not good at explaining things in an extensive matter. and mine still got stickied lol
  5. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Wow, I thought the extra cables would cost around $50.

    I got 3 Y-cables, a coupler, and an RCA extender for $12.00

    Thx hunny.
    Playerhata27 likes this.
  6. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    wait, if you don't have the Y-cables, are you able to see what you're doing in that tiny window on your computer screen?
  7. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    barely, plus when your recording, the mini preview, will with lag, or freeze, but still record your gameplay, you wont know what you record till you play the file back.
  8. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Amazing tutorial, and when I get my capture card, I'll be sure to follow this. One question, does the CC come with a software? That Pinnacle Studio Plus?
  9. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    Mine came with pinnacle studio 9, but i was able to get a hold of pinnacle studio 10, so my capture card works on vista.

    But yes most cards, will come with software.

    Dazzle/pinnacle cards will come with some version of pinnacle studio.

    and most other cards might come with something like Unlead video editor.
  10. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Alternatively, if you have a mac, You can get EyeTV Hybrid.

    Thanks for the tut, I was going to buy a composite splitter for $60.

    The cords costed $12.
  11. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    You make me hate my DVD recorder and its slow time from record to rip.
  12. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    Nice explaining Penguinish, I might try and do that, but first I need some money to buy it. Hmm, I got $130 at the moment I think, so I think I can buy it soon.

    + Rep
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Is there anything you can do if you have a mac that is a desktop and is not in the same room as our computer???
  14. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    Not really, they need to be in the same room, cables arnt long enough to do things like that.
    many popes likes this.
  15. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
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    k i have a dazzle 100, where do i get a coupler and how do i make it better quality cuz it aint that good also my computar is REALY far from my tv.
  16. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    Go to your local radio shack and ask for this - Cables, Parts & Connectors: Connectors & connectivity: A/V connectors & adapters: RadioShack Gold Series Triple Phono Plug Coupler or just order online also while your there ask for 3 of these - Cables, Parts & Connectors: Connectors & connectivity: A/V connectors & adapters: 6-Inch Gold-Plated Premium Shielded Mono Y-Cable also if you dont have get a really long double sided av cable. as for the quaility, thats the capture program your using.
  17. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Right, I has a question for ye.

    On digitalph33r's guide to capturing he said you need video output on your tv so you can watch full screen not just preview.

    In your method do you need video output on your tv? because I don't...
  18. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    No, my method just requires, 3 ycables to it splits the xbox signal to both your tv, and capture device.
  19. RH3

    RH3 Ancient
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    If you buy s-video xbox 360 cord you can plug the s-video up also s-video= way better quality than composite . With s-video cords you just plug the s-video in to your dazzle and the rest of the other cable's into your tv so you dont a tv with output and all those other cords are unnescessary all you need is to buy the s-video xbox cord with red white yellow and s-video .
  20. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    yea most people here own tvs before S video started to become a standard in TV's hell only 2 tvs in my house have S video, my tv, and my old tv, my living room tv, my sisters tv, and my moms tv are all oldish.

    I like using Y cables because its easier to broadcast that way.

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