Bullet station was made long before my earlier map posts, and has had alot of "fix-ups" on it. But finaly, it is ready. Bullet Station is a large symetrical CTF map made for 8-16 players. It is shaped some what like an S, Has 2 bases, and a 3 routes between them. weapons and spawn rates: 1 rocket launcher (120 seconds) (not at start) 1 fuel rod gun (120 seconds) 2 plasma rifles (30 seconds) 3 SMGs (30 seconds) 3 spikers (30 seconds) 2 shotguns (90 seconds) 3 sniper rifles (60 seconds) 4 brute shots (60 seconds) 4 battle rifles (30 seconds) 4 carbines (45 seconds) 2 assault rifles (30 seconds) 2 machine gun turrets (45 seconds) 2 sentinel beams (45 seconds) 2 needlers (60 seconds) it is actualy very balanced vehicles: 2 mongeese (45 seconds) 2 ghosts (120 seconds) equipment: 2 buble shields 1 power drain 1 overshield and some grenades a tunnel that goes direcly between the bases red side (blue side is a mirror image) red base the long way blue base link to download Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing plese comment
looks nice great interlocking and it looks like a great team map onne thing that people might find annoying is the fence walls on the stairs, from the pics it looks like you would have to jump up to ger on the stairs and also looks like a similar problom at the top. otherwise it looks great
wow this looks really like reflex but it looks a little small from the pictures. You did a great job on this map. I like the curved roof and the tunnel, but then again who dosent?
dude...well it is good, don't get me wrong. but it feels TOO much like reflex to me. inspiration is one thing, but i'll have times where i get inspired by a map, and then halfway through building, i'll realize i'm building the same map. i hate to say it, but it seems like thats the kind thing that happened. the turrets are a kool addition, and symmetry is new, but i just can't bring myself to download =/ edit: i should note that looking at it again, i do see some really excellent interlocking and forgework. you do have skill, but i play reflex enough as it is, and i'd rather see something of the same quality as this but a different idea than another map. i'm sure lots of people will still like this. i'd give it 3.9/5
I like the structures in picture 1 and 4 the most. The map is very well thought out and forged good work.
for those of you thinking it is too much like reflex, it is nothing like reflex. play it once and you will see that.
great interlocking, but and yea youve heard this before, so im just going to say 2 things.... reflex, dl'd it-barely
cool map , but it really really looks like reflex...or did u just delete some stuff and putt something new in it??? well anyways cool map
no, i built the ENTIRE thing from scratch... TWICE. Reflex is assymetrical, this is not. Reflex has a shorter tunnel that you can't go under. The only thing that reflex has that my map has is an octogonical tunnel and a gost.
ya i see a lot of structure from other maps, but thats great. the map looks beautiful! yet... blank in some areas... i'll have to DL and check it out.
looks pretty good, the overall look and idea ais gd and i love the stairs and tunnel reminds me of reflex, looks good on the eyes but i wonder how it plays, so im going to giv it a go
The interlocking on this map is phenomenal and the layout is awsome. The tunnel is a rip-off of Reflex but it dose not seem to matter as tunnels like theese play out great. It looks really good!