Originial map: Foundry The Kingdom is a map I worked on entirely with MLG in mind. The idea started with the idea of the "Castle" as I like to call it, and the idea of the walkway and tunnel all around the perimeter of the map. I tried to make plenty of ways to get up to either base. This is the Kingdom of MLG: OVERVIEW: The Castle has three levels, each with multiple ways into it. The top contains a Sniper Rifle and a clear shot to the opposite base, and center. Top can also be reached by using one of the staircases on either side of the Castle. Mid has a divider to stop walking straight at an opponent coming from the other walkway, as well as a teleporter that leads to bottom. Bottom contains two Battle Rifles, and the teleporter to mid. From bottom, there are two tunnels that can be used to reach the opposite base. This was made completely with good Battle Rifle showdowns in mind. You can also reach the opposite base by walking on top of the tunnel area. The "V"ed Doors can be used for cover half way through walking to either base along this route. There are ramps, forklifts, and barriers that can be used to reach the second base. Also for cover. Second Base Top contains another divider, a Sniper Rifle, and a teleporter to bottom. Bottom has 2 Battle Rifles, 1 Carbine, and the teleporter to top. ***The MLG version of this map has a Custom Powerup in the center, instead of an Overshield*** Weapon List 10 Battle Rifles 10 Carbines 2 Sniper Rifles 4 Plasma s Download-Slot 6: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share Some credit goes to Lord Dragod for helping me make this map and posting it on his file share.
Um, I like it but nothing really stands out for me. It just kind of flatlines and nothing exiting about it. The weapon and power up placement looks fine but it could still use some work. Give it a "wow" factor and I will download.
GO here to see what MLG is This map is most definitely not MLG, go to the link to see what MLG standards are, honestly, 2/5 for lack of an original layout, calling it MLG, teleporters, and lack pf interlocking where you really need it.
In the pictures I dont see alot of Floating or Geo Merging. Interlocking in this map didnt make a big differense in this map. It would have been the same with using interlocking since it doesnt play a big role. Also you should try testing your maps with people who are good at getting out of maps like me. In overveiw I see that I could grenade jump up top the left side and get out.
its easy to see that this map was made by some one who knows nothing about MLG takes a loo at the foundry maps in MLG there is no sign of movable objects any where. they are designed for team shooting, and set ups that involve adequate knowledge of the spawn system. You cant just put MLG infront of the name of the map because you played the playlist once, and you think it will get you more views. 1/5.not only is this a fake MLG map, it's a poorly made one. no inter-locking, floating objects, or geo-merging. i usually try to be nice but this is ridiculous. on second look ther is some non-precise interlocking. sorry. you also should only have 4 brs, 2 carbines, 1 mauler, 4 plasma nades, and 4 frag nades. no more no less. im getting sick of these so-called "MLG" maps made by a bunch of bks who don't know any better. stick to what you know and make an infection map. im not saying im not a bk, im just saying that ive been a member of the MLG community long enough to know ow to make a decent MLG type map. also pirate, the carbines spawn at 90 seconds and mauler is 120, according to onslaught.
Id say interlock a little more, add more cover and aesthetic structures and improve weapon placement, and it could be much better. And sorry, but Mlg doesnt use teleports...
Looks descent, I don't know about the teleporters for MLG And shouldn't the over sheild be a Custom powerup? Other than that it looks like you have a good strong layout. You have some skill at forge keep it up.
actually, the map Stock pile by SaLoT was in MLG v4 before they took it out because of spawn trapping issues. it used teleporters becasue it was a warlock type map.
I remmember MLG Stockpile. It was well designed and really was like Warlock. Too bad about the mess ups with it though. Also this map honestlly is horrible. Please download and see all the other MLG maps. Go to MLG Gametypes and see the maps. Also look for the two new MLG Maps that will soon be in MLG and the MLG Playlist. I know one of them is MLG Crossfire and the other one I forgot its name.
a rocket launcher would be good on the map, and only overshield at the bottom of the middle platform nicely done!
Good map, decent Forging, though, you should take away the Teleporters and angle some other objects differantly.
i like it and MLG sucks i think it is better than MLG it is sexyLG lol i like it also i never see teles being used well done
looks good. some of the boxes could use some interlocking and i dont think MLG uses teleporters, but idk, i just dont remember seeing any in MLG maps.....