ummm macka, is that IN Australia, or in Iraq... and you guys do realize America is NOT the only country there... Canada, Britain, Germany, Russia, everyone...
Australia are pulling out, this was a digger just over there. But still wouldn't't of happened if there was no war.
Here are some numbers for you, you seem to like them: And Link Would you rather we let him kill even more than 90,000 people? Oh wait, he already did, and he would have killed even more...
Australia are pulling out, this was a digger just over there. But still wouldn't't of happened if there was no war. Nah, he did in Afgan, our troops are withdrawing form iraq and moving into Afgan It's just a trick by our government because the Afgan war is support a lot more in Australia then the Iraq war
Well, I'm from Canada, and our troops are still in Iraq also. We didn't start this war, Bush did. I agree with Macka, that Bush is just trying to protect the oil. I also think a bigger war is about to start, especially with Isreal or w.e showing that they have nuclear weapons, as they shot some out into the sea, saying they weren't afraid.
the people over there choose to be over there. they are noble for what they have done and they should be able to stay for as long as it takes.
Zowabashi, you would be much more informative if you would provide links to sources (after of course actually researching). Then you would get more positive feedback. Also, don't cry about neg rep >.>
Ok, I have not read any post except the first, and I say: This war shouldn't be going on. Honestly, if that country decided to bomb us, we should bomb them. Just ****ing destroy major parts of the country, and evacuate the citizens of that area. IDK how war works, but this isn't the right way.
Well For one where do you think this massive Bombing came from? Second we aren't at war... Third and last usually it helps to take more of a point on the direct topic... your not showing much of a point of your argument your just making a question.... Take your sig off...btw
An eye for an eye. 2 wrongs make a right. Kill. I agree! -_- But seriously: Riiiiight, because we can so make out who is a citizen, and who is a rebel (or defender of nation, whichever you prefer) I agree, this isn't the right way, but I don't agree with the way you think it should be run. I think this is a discussion on the War in Iraq, as in "Should we be in it," or "Should we have never started it." So lets not go over military tactics please. Sorry, thought I would point that out.
we lost more soldiers in one day in the civil war, than this entire war, the kill ration between our soldiers and the iraq incergents is 40 to 1, 1 of our soldiers dies for every 40 of theirs. secondly,we come as liberators, not conquerers, we arnt leaving tirany in our wake, the iraq citizens are free know, under a democracy. their former way of living, the way where they cant have free will and speak the truth is coming to an end. American generals arent evil dictators. we saved them. shouldnt we be happy about that?
No country bombed the US. It was a group of radical terrorists. Now, the US can't kill thousands of innocent people because terrorists killed several hundred US citizens. But, you see, the US still wants to eliminate said terrorists. So, the US sends soldiers in to find terrorists and remove Saddam (who was sympathetic to terrorists and hated the US). I still don't think that the US should have invaded, but bombing would be one of the worst options available.
sorry my info was wrong, al-queda didnt lead us to Iraq, we has infomation where saddam was funding them. Which is a reason for Iraq.
I would disagree, first thing that would happen is more terrorists doing **** to Americans, I might not be American but I'm not stupid enough to say they are idiots. Not only that but then all the soldiers who died in the was would go in vain
Wow. There's so much I want to go off on here, so I'll try to keep it organized. 1. To Macka654, the poster you posted is the most retarded thing I have seen in a while. Hitler and Bush are totally BFFs and exactly the same. I was just thinking the other day, how I couldn't believe that Bush can get away with taking away our right to free speech, committing mass genocide, gaining absolute control of the government, and his conquering of neighboring countries...(not offended by the posters, just confused by the ignorance of hippies) 2. Lil Kru8 is on the ball. 3. Talk to an Iraq veteran that has recently been over there. It's getting better. God forbid any media outlet talk about it though. 4. Predicide, the 90,000 casualties you keep talking about, are those caused by US forces, insurgents, or both? 5. There are a lot of people here saying that we're just there for the oil, blood for oil, etc. But can anyone show any proof or signs of that...Nobody, nothing? Thought so. 6. FYI, my stance is not Doucebag Right Wing or Hippie Left Wing, but a happy medium. I'm for the progression of the Iraqi people and the safety of our soldiers, myself included.
I think people pretend to understand everything about it, but they really don't. It is getting better, but better is better for them, not better for us. Religious and tribal conflict are somethings that people have to sort out on their own. When America declared independence and became a democracy, England and France's governments became more like ours. It took a little longer for some other parts of Europe, but it happened. What we have now are a lot of failed Democracies, dictatorships, and communisms in the mideast, Africa, and southeast Asia. That is why violence gets so hostile.
i love how now all of a sudden it's bush's fault our economy is messed up, although we have been trillions in debt since WW2. i personally believe we need to finish the war, not ***** out. and i have a question for you, do you want to pay 14$ per gallon of gas, because if we pull out, that is going to happen. this is a war that needs to be fought, and although i dont want our soldiers dying, it is nothing compared to WW2, we lost more in one day than in the war from the start till today. voting for Obama is like voting for our enemies. he voted to not drill for oil in America, to give the middle east more money to fight against us. and mccain served in the navy, he understands our soldiers, and understands why they are fighting. our soldier chose to give their lifes, because they are the toughest and the bravest, and care about our country, i know that the minute i get out of colllege i am joining the military, wether or not we are in a war, becaue it is the right thing to do. and you might argue that we are not fighting our war, but it will be our war in the future if we dont fight it now respect and fear are one in the same. i could respect you all i want, but if i dont fear you i will attack you until i win theirs your sources, the few second videos of a supposed conspiracy now atch this please i am sorry for the people who just say stupid stuff, without knowing anything other than we are at war with irag now we shouldnt just drop bombs on them, which we are not doing, but i have to agree with people like coyote, especially considering he is right. he even provides links... yay i also would like to state how almost all mods and admins are on one side, yet one normal user such as coyote takes em all on