Corrosion ok guys first off, i would like to thank CosmicRick on providing his insight on this map. also some backround info: The map is named corrosion for a reason. The reason being? Because of all the testing, interlocking, geo-merging, and switch building, all just wore me down. Sort of like i was being corroded, if thats a word haha =] DOWNLOAD LINK Now on to the map itself. Corrosion · Includes a fully interlocked layout · Includes Geo merging to help make the map as smooth as possible · Includes a completely symmetrical design · Includes a switch that will make you think about your strategy · Includes a mancannon lift that will shake up gameplay · Offers enough cover so that you are not spawn killed, but not too much cover. · Includes teleporter arrows that make the map more asthetically pleasing. Play with 3v3 or 4v4 Weapons · rocket launcher x1, 180 respawn, 0 spare clips · mauler x2, 180 respawn, 0 spare clips · sniper x1, 150 respawn, 1 spare clip · battle rifle x8, 45 respawn, 2 spare clips · smg x4, 90 respawn, 2 spare clips · plasma rifle x4, 90 respawn, NA · needler x1, 150 respawn, 1 spare clip Grenades · plasma grenade x4, 90 respawn · frag grenade x2, 60 respawn · spike grenade x4, 150 respawn the map also includes 2 flame grenades in the center of the map, held up between teleporter arrows Equipment · tripmine x1, 180 respawn · bubble sheild x1, 150 respawn · regenerator x1, 90 respawn ------------------------------------------------------------- Interlocked, and symmetrical layout The map is set up for multi-flag Each side/team has their own base and their own weapons, however there are weapons in the middle that are key to your victory. These include the previously listed: rocket launcher, bubble sheild, tripmine, and sniper. Pictures of the two bases BLUE BASE ------------------------------------------------- RED BASE MIDDLE OF MAP As you can see, the wall corners are merged into the ground to make a smooth surface and allows you to easily access the flame grendades. The rockets are placed in the middle hexagon shape MIDDLE BASE sniper is placed on top of the middle base ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MANCANNON LIFT The ENTRANCE The lift will send you rapidly into a teleporter, that send you flying out of the receiver node seen in this picture The mancannons make you go at such a fast pace, you will be shot through the air and on top of the middle base. This will provide you with a quick out if you are trying to recover your sheild. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Pads You have probably noticed the single boxes that are merged into the ground very very far. This creates a platform that i have used to set the maulers on. It creates a very nice asthetic touch --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Switch This switch is one that took a lot of guess and check work, to make Here is where you trigger the switch You simply jump up towards the warthog turret, and press RB this flips the warthog, making a fuision coil fall down and hit anyone who is walking down the back alleyway. Here is an overview of the back alleyway here is where you exit into the main part of the map THE SWITCH IS NOT POINTLESS, SO PLEASE DONT GET THAT IMPRESSION. UNDER THE GEOMERGED WALL CORNER, THERE ARE A TOTAL OF 3 FUISION COILS. A DIRECT HIT WILL TAKE THE PLAYERS TO NO SHEILD. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Just some action pictures as you can see, the middle of the map can be quite hectic Here is someone going through the mancannon lift, and he watches as his flagman get helplessly double teamed ----------------------------------------------------------------- There you have it people. i have had an absolute blast making, testing, and playing this map. So hopefully you will reward all of those painful hours of interlocking and geo merging. all you have to do is give it a quick download. Those of you that have joined my game while this map was in the makings, know just how long i have worked on it. on and offline. Thanks to all of you for your time, and if you have any questions, i am gonna be right here to answer them. Thanks to the h3artificer website for being so awsome and giving me inspiration. DOWNLOAD LINK : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing peace love gap =]
Wow! looks teriffic! the middle building/structure is an EPIC win. but some of the merging is a little sloppy... that could easily be fixed up a bit if you were up to it, but i bet you wont fix it because you are "corroded" lol. Im gonna DL this and give it a play or two. what do gametype do you suggest?
looks really nice. nice layout nice interlocking. looks fun to play. i just dont like the box merged far into the ground. it just creates an annoying bump or forces you to jump
thanks for the early compliments multiflag is best also team slayer can be fun and fast paced, but definetly multiflag
Are those orbs really white? wonder how you do that. this would be worth mlg, except how do you know people are walking behind in the alleyway to drop the fusion coil?
well the trigger is in the exact center of the map, if u see your flag has been stolen, and you dont see them run past you, you trigger the switch when you see them on radar also the weapon pad is just because it looks cool it doesnt affect gameplay at all
spec-freakin-tacular dude. i'm loadin it up on my xbox right now. i think i found a keeper on my hard drive
and you sir, have 69 posts congratulations =] lol, thanks for the compliments guys, just let me know if you have any questions thanks again
Hey nice map. I wish I could make a nice competitive map like this, but I am always trying to make some crazy map lol. Anyway your techniques look solid and of course, who doesn't love the white powerup lol. 4.5/5
One fusion coil doesn't seen significant enough to change gameplay really. The switch is nearly worthless.
you think I would spend that much time on something worthless There is fuision coils undoer the wall corner so really it is like 3 fuision coils You should have asked if it was only 1 fuision coil No just assume
what? dude, you put stuff underneath the level too? you're kidding me. i see firebomb's and all sorts of equipment under the center grates. no wonder this map wore you out lol
thank you for pointing that I out I forgot to mention that In no way possible can you get those during gameplay though