Definitely some of the best Mini Games out there. i hadnt gotten a chance to play Ghostbusters tho. but it does look very fun tho. Teamwerks has gotta be my favorite tho. Great map pack grave
As Debo says, this feature makes TDFs latest musing seem all too prophetic. Still, nice to see a quick response with some interesting new minigames which look very fun. Epicenter looks like a very fun and inventive minigame, involving alot of tactics and coordinated play (a theme I notice throughout this map pack), not to mention its beautiful. Territories is a really fun gametype and this is an imaginitive reworking of the principle to create something new and interesting. Nice on Matty I personally love taking down ghost drivers, so Ghostbusters appeals to me alot. I like how you have put timed weapons in, meaning the games are more varied within themselves and the ghosts have to watch the time and bear in mind what weapons they are up against. The same is true of the timed obstacles, a nice touch that will increase this game's lifespan. The forging also looks top quality, which means alot on small minigame maps, as everything must work perfectly if the game is to be really fun. The Teamwerks arena is a classic map that I am familiar with. I ended up playing it whilst guesting with a friend recently, he's never been on FH in his life and still ended up with it through recommendations. Its not only alot of fun, but compliments this map pack well by being a very teamwork oriented game (obviously..). My one complaint is to Rick - Stop hoarding features dude, you already have your premium. If you persist in making maps this good I will be forced to rain down retribution on yo ass in defence of the little guy. A great map pack, all deserving of this feature, and even better as there is a continued theme of coordination and team shooting throughout.
These all look like great maps. I don't see why Matty and GraveDigger don't have premium beside their Journalist ranks, I have seen a member that is loyal, moderator, and premium. I have already seen all of these maps and love them.
Pretty sure that was Kapura. He just had his display picture changed to a picture of the ranks. He technically only held the one rank, although he did 'pass through' the others. Matty was loyal for a while before he volunteered for a staff position. You're just lucky the Map-pooping era happened before I started making all this quality stuff, lol. Don't make me re-make The Lobbies and Portal Feud, Lol. Anyway, thanks to everyone who said nice things. Go get your mini-game on.
Me too. It was like Foundry was a bad taco that Cosmic kept on eating. Good thing Rusty made that toilet, lol.
I was gonna come on hear and complain you didn't add Locododgeball, but these minigames are clearly better. Good selection 5/5. I have only played Epicenter, and its alot of fun.
I have a question. Why are the Mini-Game and Aesthetic map variants crammed into packs? It's as if you're taking away their sentimental value. A single Mini-Game or Aesthetic map variant holds just as much worth as competitive map, if not more, and what most of the community had failed to realize, is that barely any of you really cared about Mini-Games and Aesthetic maps before TrueDarkFusion had to tell the whole site the importance of Mini-Games. Now you all act like you care, which is hideous behavior in my opinion.
I think it's just the ebb and flow of personal/group tastes. Personally, I'm glad the map pack came out the way it did. And I don't feel jipped at all sharing this space with two other fun pieces of forgery. Also, I liked mini-games way before TDF liked mini-games. lol. All types have their place, and all are being recognized, which is a good thing. Maybe an MLG Mastars Map Pack next to give things the appearance of even-itude and shush all the "this other map totally deserves this more" nay-sayers?
I feel that these are excellent minigame choices. Epicenter, to me, looks like the most fun. Teamwerks arena looks awesome as well, but epicenter is my definite favorite.
Wow, great minigame pack. But I thought i'd let you know the epicenter video isnt working anymore. I dont think it has the proper MEDIA tags.
I think the Teamwerks Arena would be really fun and stuff. Epicenter is a cool map, but i dont know how much id play it. ghostbusters is just a cool idea. but Teamwerks Arena gets my #1 Vote.
I agree that a good minigame is just as valid as a competitive map in its own right, but it must be remembered that features are trying to show off good maps to as many people as possible. Alot of people still think of minigames and aesthetic maps as some how "less worth it", but some just don't enjoy them as much, which is fair enough. I personally agree with you and TDF that minigames are great, but even he can't make people like them, people will either like them or not, and I think the features have to try and make themselves appealing as possible, not just address a niche audience, which single minigame posts could be in danger of doing. Features are meant to have mass appeal, and since minigames and aesthetic maps are often kinda niche creations, very specific in what they offer, then they are grouped together so that there is something for everyone, giving the feature a purpose. At least this map pack has a consistent theme to it, its a real teamwork collection, and I think the map packs in general are all good. Aesthetic maps especially are much more shortlived than a competitive map, and grouping them together helps to make each feature more significant and appealing to a larger audience. I wana make it clear that I agree with your sentiments, I love minigames for the ingenuity and originality, not to mention how fun and fresh the best ones are. But people will like what they like, freedom of choice is what it is, and it is what the internet is all about.
chips, where did you even get that from? The mini-game map packs have always been hits. Maybe you just never realized them tell the recent Musings edition. This one's no different from the rest.. if not better. i think your tone is the only "hideous" thing here
You deny me being active enough in the community to see what's going on? Yes, the Mini-Game map packs have been hits, but that doesn't hide the fact that Mini-Games are being treated with having lesser value. And I resent your comment at the end of your post, there's no need for condescending remarks.
you single-handedly were condescending to everyone who posted in this thread in your previous post.. so dont give me that. and the competitive maps are what halo's all about, mini-games are just that... mini. you cant really play on aesthetic maps, so featuring one at a time is pretty pointless.
I stated that I didn't like the fact that no one even cared, before the Musing came out. That's not condescending, that's a complaint. If you read my previous post correctly, you would find that I wasn't belittling anybody. You shouldn't be so quick to judge.