wow, really working on that campaign, aren't you? I agree with what you are doing at H3A but I don't agree with actively campaigning on topic-related threads, especially those not on the site that you are campaigning for. That car pusher switch works but for those of you interested in using it in a game, you should update it to be more streamlined and include a dumpster drop door to trap people that try to get it the wrong way, I will try to get around to loading my version (an edit of the previous- hey im lazy)
Noticed that with H3A switches. They always tend to be bulky and use more resources than you actually need.
Waylander Thats just for Show there is a level of Free creativity for when some one takes a switch and puts it into a map for it to work... Some switches are really simple, but we have to take into a few different account that a map maker makes for his map... IE if he is forging in the air or not.. we have to make sure it works on and off the ground look at coyotes door switch..that isn't forced to be put any where ..FULL creativity for the well room for improvement.. Now for as adversities go ..I don't need to post a link... But in all simple thought How simple was Cosmic Ricks convey belt? Because I still see threads pop up ON HOW DID YOU MAKE THAT PLEASE!.... I think that later on Switches will be more complex... and will look even better!
I know mate most of my post was just to get you guys to openly say that switches don't need all the extra stuff around them. A lot of people on here don't seem willing or able to take that extra step and figure out how they can make a thing work for them. Also I like to believe in my own little mind that I am far more efficient at building switches cheaper, resource wise, than you guys are.
Waylander. You don't get it. The switches we make are "concepts". That means that the user can make them any way they like on their map. Take the slide door for example. My version takes alot less materials than Zero Fox's, yet it is the SAME switch. Switches are flexible. You don't build a map around a switch but the switch around the map. Lets say I had 2 rooms that I wanted a slide door between. I obviously can't have that long hallway or the custom powerup that far from the door. In this case you would make the bottom part (fusion coil slant) more verticle so that the custom powerup could be closer to the door. Now it took a wall instead of a bridge, the floors are already there, so is the roof, maybe put in a flaoting box to make the ceiling there lower, then that is ALL you need added. The rest was already in the map. Also, at H3A we TRY to help people make their switches and understand how to make them. That is WHY we EXPLAIN how they work and don't just say: "This switch opens a door when you step here, I can put it on your map for you if you want, but you have to give me credit!" No, we say: "It works like this:... you must block the fusion coil with the custom powerup and make sure the dumpster's shaft is smooth so it doesn't get jammed. Set the Custom Powerups, fusion coils, and grav lifts to 10 second respawn. Set the dumpster to instant. Now, go and make an exciting new map that had contained rooms of combat and a changing environment. If you arn't part of H3A or if you are, it would be great if you told people about us so that we could help more people." We use more materials to make it look nice so people look into it. Put it this way, why do people interlock floors? To make it so there isn't a crack, though grenades can't go through it and you still bounce when you walk over it, so why? To make it look appealing. What makes people download your map? Because it LOOKS fun. Tell me why we have an aesthetic section? Or why people lay down teleporters so the blinking comes out the a box? Or why they interlock Powerups with boxes? To make it look nice, of course. Your accusing us of advertising too much? You're the one that is bragging "Also I like to believe in my own little mind that I am far more efficient at building switches cheaper, resource wise, than you guys are." Well you know what? I don't care about self glory. I care about h3a because it will help people and I believe in it. I can't become an artificer on that site because I am an admin. I don't care if somone on the site takes credit for my idea, as long as they give back to the site. And never have I told someone that asked if they could use any of my ideas. Such as a landing hornet on my newest map, a switch I made, or anything else.
Wow, someone is getting riled up. Read my last post again mate. When did I accuse you of advertising too much? You guys do post a alot about your site and mot of the time your posts do have the mood of "over here we do it better than you" Every switch thread I've seen has had one of you guys posting something along those lines. Back to my meaning in my last few posts, you guys are showing a forging tool. I'll use Interlocking since you already brought it up. When Interlocking was first discovered and put in a forging tutorial they did not make an entire map just to show how to do it. They just showed a few pics of the process of interlocking a couple of items together. So people began to use it more because they didn't have the preconceived notion that it had to be super complicated in order to work. So you guys only need to post the bare minimum of a switch just to show the main functions and the process of building them that way more people will see just how easy they are to do and more people will use them in their maps. As for my 'bragging' if you couldn't read the joke there then I feel sorry for you wasting your time on the internet.
Oye guys, enough. The point of the site is to help people, if people don't see it they cannot be helped. That would be like building a homeless shelter on the moon. If you dont like our site or the people in the site that is fine, simply stay away from the site. Otherwise we don't need your critisisms. As far as the bulkness goes, we make our switches look nice. I hardly think thats a crime.
I use math to solve the problems, you have to take every second into consideration for more complex switches. These are just some of the basic triggers. Such as a new map I have been working on. I made a teleporter open after 4 minutes into the game. I made a grav lift fall NEXT to the box covering the teleporter so it fell, respawn 90 sec. Then I made another grav that respawned at 180 sec. I had to take into account the little over 25 second time it took for the falling lift to respawn. I also had to choose spawn at start or not. It ended up with spawn at start yes. So, it spawns, falls, 25 sec in game it disappears, 115 seconds it falls again. Then 140 it disappears. At 180 seconds the grav lift that propels the falling one into the box spawns. And a little before 230 sec, it spawns again.
this helped me out alot sort of =/. but does anybody have an step-by-step guide to making an elevator going up and/or down?
uhm i love switches idea i just cant wrap my mind around how to use the in a map to actually be a something worth using?!?!
Look at Zanzibar/Last Resort and Highground, and in Halo 1 Sidewinder... those were/are great switches...