The UNSC raided this underground lab on the cold Planet J450TM1 in System 45 controlled by rogue scientists cloning flood creatures to use for their rebel against the UNSC Ok, so ever since Cold Storage came out i've been seeing some crappy and okay infection maps exploding everywhere. Everybody has been saying Cold Storage has no forge potential for competitive maps unless you just move some weapons around. Well i beg to differ. I agree with all of those who say A good forger can make a map on ANY map. So here I am, presenting my competitive Cold Storage Map COLDBURN Cold Storage is mainly a FFA map, Bungie even specifically says this. Well I personally like team games better, and team games play better on team based maps. So, I decided to use my forging skills to alter and add to Cold Storage to build a competitive team based map. The biggest thing i made was the area in the big open parts of Cold Storage, especially that open window area. Big open areas are usually very good for team based maps so there isn't anyway to run away from an approaching squad. On this pic, you will see I utilized those two pillars where rockets spawn on Default Cold Storage in to a place that is totally walkable and usable in battle. This is the Defender's side of the map, mostly because it's a more defendable side (isnt that amazing) The Corner wall structure up to the ramp is a gravlift for easy transportation. Well that shows most of the layout and geometry added to the map. Now i will show you spawns and weapon placements. (Note that the above pictures show the symmetrical gametype weapon layout. Symmetrical and Assymetrical gametype weapon layouts and spawns differ to bring better gameplay) The attackers spawn in this room in symmetric and asymmetric games. This room is the defenders starting spawn in symmetrical gametypes This is the Defender spawn and Flag/Bomb plant in Assymetric gametypes This Beam Rifle only spawns in Assymetric games This shotgun also only spawns in assymetric games. These energy blockers only spawn in assymertic games to prevent an easy bomb plant or flag grab. And lastly, the flamethrower only spawns in Assymetric games. Action Shots CTF pics Territories Territories seemed to have the best gameplay. All gametypes were tested and I made some minor spawn changes before releasing it, so if there are ANY spawn problems, please aware me of them! All Gametypes are supported. Suggested Gametypes -Team Slayer -Any Territory gametype -Multi Flag and One Flag -VIP Weapon Set: Symmetric Games - 1 Rocket (2 shots) - 1 Beam Rifle (No spawn at start) - 1 Sniper Rifle (1 clip, No spawn at start) - 1 Brute Shot - 2 Carbines - 2 Needlers - 2 Assault Rifles - 2 SMGs - 2 Spikers - 2 Plasma Rifles - 1 Shotgun (No Clips) - 2 BRs (Equipment) - 2 Frags - 4 Plasma grenades - 1 Bubble Shield - 1 Grav Lift Asymmetric Games - 1 Flamethrower - 1 Beam Rifle - 1 Shotgun (no clips) - 2 SMGs - 2 Spikers - 2 Plasma Rifles - 2 Carbines - 2 Battle Rifles - 2 Assault rifles - 2 Needlers - 1 Brute Shot. (Equipment) - 2 Frags - 2 Plasmas - 1 Bubble Shield - 1 Grav Lift. PLEASE PLAY AND GIVE FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS! THANKS DOWNLOAD
This looks fun but really only looks like you changed up the weapons, and added some walls to it. theres really no structure besides the staircase and the interlocked corner walls. and even though all the geoglitching looks cool its not hard. this map is pretty fun though so you get a 4/5
Definately better than the average Cold Storage map and for Cold's forging potential it is not a very good forging map. You changed my opinion however and earned my DL in the process. Good work!
wow, usually i dont reply until i get a page or something but this comment kind of made me mad. ONLY added one structure??? what i did in the middle took so long you dont even know. merging those walls at an angle like that in the middle was NOT easy. the whole middle part is a structure!!! argh it's comments like yours that make me mad. the people who don't appreciate maps for what they are and don't judge maps individually... I'm not pointing any fingers or anything either but i think i know who gave this 3 stars... And most importantly... Remember what the most important thing about maps are... THE GAMEPLAY. I just transformed this map into a map that supports team games WAY better than cold storage and i dont get respect back. just do one thing for me man. Give this map a playthrough on Flag Rally (because it provides the best gameplay) and then comeback with some feedback.
lol i love the beam rifle spawn. howd u geomerge on this map? what did u use to push the weapon holder into the wall? i couldnt figure it out... any way... nice job 4/5
Wow! That has got to be one of the best cold storage maps posted so far! Great job on the geomerging and interlocking! 5/5
everytime i go on forge hub and i see cold storage maps they keep getting better and better and by far this one is the best i've een.
thanks i used energy blockers mostly, walls in other places. and the beam rifle spawn was one of my favorite things too. if it wasn't for the UWF contest i wouldn't have even made the map, so that was a big inspiration. thanks Thanks, it was very time consuming Hopefully this will get some people to make even better ones, other wise i think this is the best it will get for a competitive cold storage map thanks, it wasnt easy. Yes it is, It was very hard to figure out spawns and weapon layouts, it actually took longer to figure out the spawns and weapon layout than actually build the map. thanks, it would help if you rate the thread 5/5 too... someone decided to give it a low rating... ehh actually i've seen it done before... but it's probably the map with the most geo merging. Thanks, like i said before, it was very time consuming and took a lot of thought. and it would be great if you guys saying 5/5 would actually rate the thread because someone decided to give it a low rating for some reason...
the only thing i hav 2 say about this map is that if u cood only hav 1 Cold Storage map, this wood definatly be it. great job especially since you can hardly forge something on cold storage 5/5+dl
looks pretty, this changed the whole way cold storage would play. nice job a certain dl for me keep it up