First look this looks quite amazing definitely an excellent forge. Imma hop into the half pipe real quick and give u my thoughts once i've tested it out. but again it looks very very clean.
wow, instant DL. The half-pipe and quarter-pipe look really rally smooth.. almost like foundry gave us curved wall pieces. very impressive, sir. Me being the mongoose aficionado that I am, I'll definitely have to give this a go. Keep up the good work!
For your next skatepark you should try and make a Roll In, or maybe a Spine, for Spine Transfers that would be awesome
wow. this is a really great map for aesthetics and interlocking. im not gonna dl it tho :-( cuz ill prob never go into it and actually go do tricks on a mongoose. but this looks extremely well done. i might make the pics my background because it is just so smoothly interlocked. major props dude EDIT: after 4 weeks of still being on top. ii have a good feeling about this being featured
Umm...I can't find the Download link.... Am i just too stupid to see it or is there not one? EDIT: Thanks for putting it on there for me.
The interlocking on this is INSANE! I love the quarter pipe especially and I didn't know you could get such a smooth curve in forge. 5/5 for originality and great interlocking.
Great interlocking man, Im not a fan of skateboarding but you did a nice job of replicating the detail of the ramps with limited objects. Ive never commented on anyones thread before... Good work. 5/5
Lol at first i was like "WAIT How did you bend a wall" on the halfpipe cause of how smooth the interlocking was
Not really, i used all double walls, walls, fence walls, bridges, couldnt really use double boxs etc.
Whoah nice interlocking! I really need to learn how to interlock like that! I'm so dling this, is there any tutorial for curving objects? A pm is appreciated.
Wow when I clicked this link I was sceptical until I saw the ramps holy moley that some nice interlocking and forging!!! best skating map i've seen nice work I'm going to go play this right now!