Im not sure i want it to change i mean i like it as it is now. Just have to get used to everything all over again!
I don't like the new dashboard at all. I hope we can go back to the old one some day. Also, what about Gamertags, will this update affect them (besides the avatar gamerpic of course)?
The new dashboard is stupid looking. I've heard it's an optional upgrade but I doubt that. If that's the case I guess as of the release date for the update, i'll never connect my 360 to LIVE anymore. ****in MS and their bullshit marketing crap.
In response to Reyn: They're trying to turn the 360 into a wii, that's what I meant by "And thus the last hardcore console dies."
Although our dashboard is changing let's just count our blessings. -We still have some of the best games for a system -We have the market for all sales -We have a better online community -We have pretty much degraded Sony, by taking most of their games I say we're still pretty lucky... Although I hate the new dashboard we still are better than the rest
That last one made me laugh, because its true. MS has really put the hurt on Sony. As for the Dashboard.....I'm not a very big fan of it. I'm just really curious how the themes will look on the dashboard now....
crikey! ur all being really negative about this..... hopefully the avatar will be optional but the new dashboard layout looks like a step in the right direction. and as someone stated earlier, still a great game line up. give it a chance in autumn people and i garuntee many of u will change ur minds and the simple layout will grow on u. hopefully all themes can be kept. Cheers.
like MS would ever give you any money back. Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you, but MS is a bunch of money hungry f*#ktards and you most likely will never see money you gave to them ever again.
I don't mind the look of the new dashboard but I don't care for the avatar. Being a Wii60 owner, I don't want an avatar on the 360. I've already got one on the Wii. Other than the dashboard, the won't be used in anything. To me, avatars have always just been there. They don't add anything to the experience. Sure MS and Nintendo have used their avatars in games, but only a few and never in 3rd party titles. On G4, after the keynote, they asked a MS guy about just following others because they are doing well. As soon as I can rewatch it I'll post what he said exactly. It was some BS that didn't really answer the question.
reynbow got banned? what did he do lol. i saw this on e3 too, it looks a lot like they're trying to copy wii, especially since the face looks almost like the same thing.
Source: "Speaking of which, all the themes and gamerpics you have already purchased will work in the new interface. Each channel will display the images that previously were housed on the blades, but on the upper half of the screen only rather than the full screen (see image below). Gamerpics will also still work alongside your avatar." And looks like our blades found a new home: Yup that's right, they're built into the new Xbox guide. If you would like to read more about the new Dashboard then click Here.
hmm, now that i think of it, it's looking more and more like the ps3 because of the scrolling pictures thingy.
I have vista and I love it, but thats not what the topic is about. You're right it's looking more and more like a ps3/wii combo menu.