I know, I know. I just registered, but I am going to be active on the forums in the future. For now, I have a thread on the Bnet forums about an idea for a new, better forging map, located here. If you could please post on the thread and let me know what you think, that would be awesome. Also, I'm not sure if this is the right place for such a thread, so if it isn't, please lock it.
Very well said I totally agree. How about a map on a spaceship that has a playing area on objects resting on invisable glass. You could choose if you want to see the glass. You could see it, than the map will be like foundry. If the glassis invisable than you can fall off the map into a automatic kill zone. Mabey more shapes that you could custom size and more shapes the are bigger, brighter and more futuristic would be better too. The filters could cange the object colors and the themes too. This could change a spacestation to a cliff or pelican station.
Appreciate the feedback! On the subject of the glass, there's only one way I could see that working... You have this partially transparent glass at the bottom of the map. You can build your map on top of it. If you want to have a "Fell to your Death" zone, you select no respawn on start, and never respawn. If you want to edit the mad, however, you couldn't get the floor back... which is why I believe my placeable floor idea is better, because you could also make another floor and make the minimum on map full. Were you the one who posted on the thread?
i cant add on, but i would make a checklist in forge overall, saying things as keep foundry, but adding options such as like a checklist saying...block off two bases...yes....no crane....yes.....MGC on outside...yes.....no yellow things blocking the floor...yes.....etc....