Lol did someone just neg rep everyone who posted in this thread? "Posted in this dumb thread" -1 rep Honestly people sign yor rep,then i can deicde i dont like you and those stupid rep wars do not start.Silly smeggheads
Yes I just got that And it made me very unhappy. It must be a HLG member since he didn't sign his/her name! LOL they hide even while giving neg rep -_-.
Im pretty sure it was the "its only a game" guy.Why would a HLG guy neg me for arguing for them? Hehe i also got "I hate lepercons"...l337 grama pimp is on my heels....runz haway!!! Anyway back to topic i suppose :S Anyway my point is,it doesnt matter what you think of hiding.Its a tactic and people will use it.We may not like it but no one likes camping either and its basically become acceptable at this stage. The hiddenmasters even say hiding is cheap in all their vids All complainers ar edoing is stating what they already know. HLGraven even commented on one of his videos that 3/4 of HLG players are most likely crap at halo.So really theres no point bitching that they "suck" or that they're cheating
I was playing team doubles today (the pit of hiding darkness), I won 5 games straight, and two teams tried to hide, one of them got blown up by me when they tried to jump from snipe 3 to the top with the plasma core. Killing people who are hiding just gives you the best feeling.
I just got an infraction for spam silly mods how did i spam he insulted HLG now i want to kick his ass in a one v one to shout him up.
Hey there im one of make a maps friends from HLG he told me to come here to back him up but oneshot i don't think that you should of made this thread i know that we like doing this but not everyone like's us doing this type of thing. And why are you using My gamertag: HLG Velocity im not giving anyone a one vs one. One shot chill out man you'll probaly get banned for this type of stuff plus this is a forge forum not MLG just let it slip.
Anyone who knows the map geometry should know all the good hiding places, unless its the one behind the tree by invis on guardian, no one ever looks there. The only times I hide are when my partner lags out and I have the lead. But that's only worked occasionally.
Youre right sorry but everyone that doesn't like HLG always sterotypes us like that jackass. And i used your gamertag because youre a fifty duh.
I think thats called flaming [reported] But any way HLG can have their fun making video clips of them hiding all they want but I'm sure people could make many more clips of them losing a game because they choose to hide. Its their choice to not play the game the way it was intended but for the majority of the community we will give a fair/fun fight to the final kill. Thank you for your time -Pete
That is true we are sterotyped but thats why people hate us so much. They think we have no skill for hiding then other players agree with and so on. But i don't think anyone knows how hard it is to find a good hiding place. And just because im a fifty is a poor excuse if youre threating to beat someone in a one vs one then take them on yourself. Its things like this that has ruined HLG's rep. This is true for the new comers but i got my fifty straight up then i joined HLG i normally win i have lost three matches out of alot.
haha i do this sometimes i did it on snowbound...haha the guy was on top of the base looking straight up and just shooting was funny as hell!
There are always exceptions to the rule. I have not seen a HLG player get a high rank though from playing HLG and using "Hiding tactics" [yet]. Yes I do know many players do choose to join HLG after they have already played for a while. Everyone has their fun just some peoples fun comes at the others exspense kind of like modders ruined the fun in Halo 2. [ I'm not flaming by the way I'm just making statements]
Well actually hooglebug this is for the most part jsut another halo community site.It has an emphasise onforge but in the halo discussion section we can talk all we like about halo.MLG,HLG anything. And whiskeypete,it stands to reason that HLG is hated because they win not becuase they lose. Who the hell bitches to high heaven becuase they got an easy win?Yeah. Even if hate hiders i suggest you watch the vids.Even if youv no intention of remembering them,the vids are quite enjoyable and entertaining They have a whole clan of people who got their fifties hiding. Thing is they're hiding so no ones knows they're there...zomg
Why do you keep on telling every one to watch the videos WE ALL have thats why people dislike them! They hide then basically show off because of it ,and make montages. Their funny to people who enjoy hearing people complain but if you think about it they are just haveing fun at others exspense [that means not everyone is laughing]. If you don't understand what I'm getting at I will use picture to help you out. I watch the videos and I didn't even give a chuckle and I'm an outgiong guy with a good sense of humor.
I have to agree the four main members are Commanders i think, i just started playing lone wolfs in stead of hiding with this account. And people have already started modding halo 3 i have joined a few custom games with things like snow on valhala and things like that. Sorry i thought that it was purley about forgeing because of the name i still have to find my way around. And will we get in trouble for going off the original topic?
Ok fine,the vids are evil.You know what they shouldnt make them. That way people who already know them can continue to mop up others becuase no one knows where these spots are. Turbo makes a perfect point that if everyone knows them then no one can hide. Hiding is a tactic.Its a cheap tactic but so is Camping Rocket whoring The sword in general for some reason Using the ghost on snowbound Grenade spamming In fact if we took out everything that was considered "cheap" we'd have nothing but the battle rifle,sniper and mongoose...sounds epic... Not unless we go ocmpletely off the point and stay there.The mods arent nazis
i agree with it because i think bungie made the hiding spots for a reason. they probably thought only true dedcated people will go out and find them then use them. which is why they dont ban the hlg
Yeah thats what happens in every game, a little hole is made for people to hide in. I'm sure bungie spent years on halo 3 just for people to get 1-2 points lead and wait 10 minutes. And epic necro post
i did it once on snowbound, and this dude was on top of the base right above me jumpin lookin straight up and shooting in circles!!! me and my friend were laughing so hard!