I really didn't know where else to post this, because i don't have access to the forging 101 or announcement etc. pages. So, i put it here. Please move this if there is a better place for it, mods. Now to the point of this thread. While messing around with forge, i found out a new useful technique. You can merge a starting point with a double or single box and have a player respawn inside the box. This is very useful because the player inside the box can see and shoot out of the box and the players outside can't see or shoot him. I just thought it would be a good contribution to our forging techniques. Btw, i can post pics to clarify if you guys want/need them. Very Important Update: This only works with the type of double and single boxes on Avalanche and Blackout. I am not 100% sure of this.....but those boxes are the only ones that have worked so far.
I think that is very useful and could make some good mini games. but this should move to a proper location.
This isn't exactly a map posting.....i intended for it to end up i the Forging 101 section.... i guess i'll add pics anyways.
Yeah I did this before. It's really weird to watch from the outside =) Still it is really hilarious. It probably isn't use in forging at all because it basicaly makes the person indestructable. I tried to make this wierd game of juggernaut once where the juggernaut was in the box with splazer and rockets and humans needed to get to the teleporter which went inside the box to kill him. Anyway, it just didn't work out in the end. I wasn't very patient.
this is an intressting technique. but i think t should be moved to chat or some thing. maybe if your lucky they'll post how to do it in forgeing 101! welcome to forge hub and enjoy yer stay!
It's a really easy concept. Get either put a teleporter or just stand where a box will spawn. You will be inside the box but can't get out, yet you can shoot from inside the box. And you put this topic in the wrong forum.
You can make your own flying box too! Set the respawn time to 180, and spawn at start: yes. Then spawn a banshee where the double box would be, and respawn the double box. Get inside the box using the turret trick or method above and turn into Forge mode. Then quickly tap the box and get inside the Banshee. And you have a flyable box!
I'm pretty sure this is old, somebody made a map of this on avalanche where the people spawn in double boxes and they are connected w/ teleporters.
This is pretty old guys... you can get teleporters, respawn points and even just yourself inside one.