TEH MAPZORS WAS NOT SOPOSE TO BE GOOD I PUT NO EFFORT OR TIME INTO TI.. THIS WAS SIMPLY AN EXPARAMENT!!!!!!! I built a very TERRIBLE 40 minnuit map on build-a-box by me I allways wanted to do a time lasped thing so this is it The map was not sopose to be really anything, I was making random stuff and not interlocking the point of the video was too just show fast forging... Download Build-A-Box. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=UNb8HMfLNa4
pretty cool. i didnt love the map really, but i always love watching time lapsed builds. props to you for a job well done.
The map was not sopose to be really anything, I was making random stuff and not interlocking the point of the video was too just show fast forging...
thats what i figured. looked cool being built if i didnt already +rep you recently, youd have gotten it. lol
Ohh your TSB!!! I didn't know who it was i was trying to figure it out, anyways I returned the favor.. Thanks
why thank you. and i saw the beginnings of your map with blaze. looked pretty awesome. keep up the good work.
omg watching that video was incredible. i really like how u sped the process up. btw that is a great map. keep making more
n33ds m0ar intrel0x1ng pl0x! nd ur guna n33d 2 ad a lnk if u wnt 2 get sum dlssss lol, nice job, when i get my capture card i may string together a whole bunch of vids of me making an official map.... if i can be bothered...
Rofl, capture cards are alot of fun to mess around with. There are tons of things you can do. I should make more videos i just never get around to it.
I have to give +rep for this. That's really good for quick forging Also, whats the name of the song? I hear it on the radio all the time
like i said it was an exparement fot future ideas, and its called a time lasped. IT took up almost 4 gig of memory with all the clips Its called Wake up call By Hawthorn Heights