I'm sure it'll be more things like matchmaking updates, maybe with RBTB going byebye. The countdown on the front Bungie page is most likely for their new (non-Halo Wars) game, whatever the hell it is. We'll see...
br start, ar secondary. that way i might have a chance in hell of killing someone more than a few feet away when i start. and then the first to press "b" wouldn't be the things that decide the score fo the game....
That new game.No master chief ,is it true.If so not many people are going to buy it as compared to a one that included MC.
Alright if your using a regular computer not MAC then on your keyboard by F12 theres a button labeled "Prnt Screen"or "Print Screen" Click it then open up Microsoft paint and paste it and wah lah. +rep now 900th Post!!
Omg you press File>Save>Photobucket.com>Edit Picture>Crop picture in edit>Copy tag>post on FH. +rep nao
i think new armor will be released, new achievements (which means no katana), and maybe skill resets.
Yeah i would love for all thos people witht he katana to becomne epic sad and have to get more ahievements =).
Wait so no release now.Wow thats pretty stupid.They've been building it up but now its over?WTF bungie did it again.
Idk.I don't want Bungie to release a game that quick after Halo 3.I think they should wait like 5 more months then release.
Yeah there's no way they would straight up release a game out of nowhere without some sort of build up first. it's definitely going to be an announcement if it has anything to do with a game.
Duh its annoucement. Lol how would you get more people to buy it if you kept it a secret or announced it?