This is a proper repost of my map. Sorry if the images are a bit small. Plays well with Slayer, and Team Slayer. Weapons: Sniper Rifles 5x Needler 1x Beam Rifles 2x Magnums 4x Shotgun 1x Gravity Hammer 1x Spikers 2x Plasma Rifle 1x Plasma Grenades 2x Frag Grenades 2x Firebomb Grenades 2x Energy Sword 1x SMG 2x Equipment: Bubble Shield x1 Power Drainer 1x Regenerator 1x Vehicles: Gauss Warthog 2x Mongoose 1x Sniper Tower: Train (Contains Mongoose in Back) Public Arms Testing Facility (Shooting Range) Beam Rifles and Sword Spawns: Firebombs and Regenerator: Power Drainer is to the left of the Spikers: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
O.K Needs interlocking if you want any downloads.EDIT:Who am I getting bad rep from?I got another from this post!
Oh, the interlocking is there. It doesn't need interlocking certain areas. It gives it a home styled look in places.
looks like some interlocking is needed and maybe throw something in front of the base in the first pic
Looks too void...Also needs interlocking like on the boxes to make them look more smooth. Use it to make the aesthetics more pleasing not just where you have to
i have seen better and worse. the truck is cool though. i like the concept if you build like another building or put more cover it would be fine. make a v2
Your right, the map lacks aesthentics and has alot of empty space. And quality is unfortunately poor too. BTW the truck thing is cool until somebody touches it. There isn't any point and doesn't add to the greatness of the map. Make a v2 with some serious change.
Looks terrible....sorry.......too many weapons for such a small map and no interlocking. If you want ot be a good forger, get your facts straight....
Actually, the truck is absolutely stable. Until it blows up. Even then though, it respawns stable. So there. And I think we have all gotten over the THIS IS EMPTY thing, so can we please have some positive comments?
Hey I gave you some rep to balance out. Anyway, about the map, the geomerged truck is definitely cool because you need to use the new trick, but I would say that the rest doesn't look much like a train srry.
What do you mean? I don't even know how to do that. I don't understand how the whole rep system works. I just wanted to show Forgehub's community my map. Sorry if it's not perfect.
I think ill dl this one and add a little more cover but i will put your name in the description cool map
Lay off him. its a good maps and you guys are obviously elitist weirdo's who sneer upon those whos maps are not 110% perfectly interlocked ( and someone give me good rep. IVE STOPPED SPAMMING WITH POWER WEAPONS ALREADY) LOL
meh. its kinda empty like everyone else says. this must be your like first or second map beacause of the no interlockin or anything else. 2.5/5 keep forgin!