I think the avatars are the stupidest things I've seen why is the XBOX 360 trying to be the Nitendo Wii ? I like the other add ons though like the 8 person party you can bring game to game.
The only thing that looks cool is the chatting with multiple people other than that it seems kinda meh.
You guys forgot about netflix. Watching steamed videos (like youtube) for free (heard that from somewhere, maybe xbl subscription pays for it) and with other people. Edit: Forgot I already talked about the internet thing.
Like I said before NO, WE DON'T NEED TO SURF THE INTERNET, that's just plain stupid. Look at me I'm surfing the internet now? Does that make me greater no! Why can't I just surf the internet on my computer and leave my xbox for gaming mkay?
I'm not too sure about the new dashboard look, other than that we're getting new features....nothing is being taken away so if you don't like something then who cares?
In my opinion I like the surfing the web part considering I have to share my computer and xbox with 2 other brothers and a step-dad. The avatars look pathetic and not even worth the space they are using, the new layout looks somewhat of the Wii layout, really childish-like and looks more appealing to an eight-year old over an adult.
i think the new dashboard looks really cool and i cant wait to see it. i dont think i like the idea of a "xbox mii" too me it sounds a little stupid, but thats just me. but i think im still going to miss the old dashboard when the new one comes around.
I can surf the web on my Xbox 360, I hardly use it though. I'm excited for the new dashboard though. Hopefully the marketplace will be WAY better.
Yeah because you can hardly consider it "surfing the web". More like looking at screenshots of websites if anything. Yes the Media Center app thingy is one step closer but it would just be easier for MS to do it. Don't really understand why they haven't yet. I mean they have a chatpad released so you know.
Dont you guys understand? They cahnged it the way it is, they made it look like Wii cuz there trying to get more younger and adults 35+ to play there console. If its easy to control and maniuplate then it wont be so confusing and anyone can just grab and go!
Omg uts official.Wii 60's.But that is really redefining Hi-def there.I can't wait till i haz teh movie theater in ma roomz!! Release date?
hmmm I greatly dislike this new one, but I said that about this one too, so I am sure I will get used to it
Wait... Shiny sliding windows with shimmering lights and swoosh sounds is hardcore? Am I missing something?