Jesus, the only reason they searched here was because some student said he pills? What the **** is wrong with our system? Next time I'm pulled over for speeding, I'll just say, "He was speeding too!" Apparently that works now
Wow just wow, no one should strip search a child, and if they had to, they should have at least brought her to the school nurse (who probably is a woman) That way it would seem less like child molestation. I'm sickened I live in a country where people would do this because a girl might have "ibuprofen" I use Ibuprofen if I have a headache... its really not that big of a deal. But worth a strip search? Eww. I had little respect for our current police officers, now I'm almost losing all respect for them... I know there has to be some good cops out there, but it appears to be harder to find them. I'm glad they sued the officers and the school they ****ing deserved it.
Well, now that I know they are internal as well: I personally think that strip searches should be CONSENT ONLY, any age, and absolutely illegal in terms of children.
that horrible i could maybe understand it if it were weed or crack but for Advil thats horrible that seems like child molest to me
What's frightening is that the appeals court ruled 6-5....meaning that 5 of the 11 judges thought the strip search WAS constitutional!! I thought this would have been a no brainer 11-0 ruling given all of the evidence....thats both dissapointing and scary.
Anyone think that the article is bias as hell? Im not against what it says, it's just that the article may aswell pick the side of the arguement for you..
Well it's not like some article is going to defend a murderer that was proven to have killed x people. Same goes for this. I don't see why anyone would hide Ibuprofen or strip search for a safe drug.
Teacher can lose their job for letting them take it. Again, im not defending this. Just if you cant see the other side of an arguement you are iether naive or stupid.
Uhh sorry, I tend to not care about the side of pedophiles and child molesters. Curse my morals and beliefs! I wish I could be stone cold like you... Oh well I guess I'll have to live on with my damn emotions and caring about other peoples. But hey the 13 year old girl had ibuprofen! Maybe they should have just shot her in the shoulder or something...
Do you just read what i say and then think of ways to twist it so you can build up a nice little arguement? Seriously, not one word of what you said even ties in with what i said. Stop looking for arguements. Thats your warning.
Hmm I wonder why she did... Maybe incase she got a headache or something. Dunno just an 'educated' guess... [/sarcasm]
Sigh..why does everyone jump on the guy playing devils advocate? How piss boring would this thread be if everyone just went. "Omg that sux,they should be shot for doing that" I mean the law is the law.No one said it wasnt stupid nor that the strip search was right. But it wasnt factual it was a speech about how evil this guy was,becuase he followed the law in his country.... Besides its a blog,whcih at the end of the day only picks the facts it want anyway See right there is not having the facts.Google it and you can find out the search was carried out by a female admin assistant
I really don't believe the article was that biased. Of course most material you read will be biased in some ways, but I don't think there is any real way to sugar coat this. A girl was accused of having posesion of drugs by another girl. The information wasn't confirmed by other students or teachers and the parents were not notified. The girl was then strip the age of 13. Doesn't that seem WAY too extreme to you? If they really wanted to see if she had drugs on her, they should have put her in a room and made her change into some gym clothes that didn't have pockets or anything. I'm sure there were numerous ways to handle the situation differently. I really hope they get a lot of money from that lawsuit. The school's actions were inexcusable.
Hmm not bias much Is it just me who doesnt constantly look at the bigger picture? Or are you all dum enough to read every word that gets printed and believe it. Im not going to argue my opinion further. Its clear i'm not getting anywhere.
Well, the point of a strip search is to find things in, hard to reach places... You catch my drift? Even changing into gym clothes she still could be hiding them... Unlikely, yes, but still she could be hiding them. Normally I would fully agree with you, but I see their point, it should have been confirmed by more than just one student that was high or whatever.
I'm all for playing the Devil's advocate so here is some more background information not provided in the article: "This girl was caught bringing knives and stuff to school. She was popped the month before drinking at a school function, and another student had complained that she was hosting parties at her trailer home with booze provided by her mom. Another student told the administrators that she was distributing pills at school, and they had two different kind of pills already. They didn’t know what they were going to find. It wasn’t like they just went looking for Advil." So they had a reason to be suspicious, and search her....but they certainly didn't have the right to strip search her.