Bungie.net is still working perfectly, don't worry, but as we all know, something big is about to happen. And it's coming soon. 1:13:56:59 right now for something to come. Hope it isn't just they're site being repaired or something. Following, some pics from the site: Learn more about what could be happening: Link ''What we heard: Last year, those skilled enough to complete Halo 3 on legendary difficulty were treated to an extended ending of the game after the credits rolled. For those who don't have a knack for Covenant slaying, numerous YouTube videos depict how, after the defeat of the Flood, series hero the Master Chief is left adrift in space in half of the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) ship Forward Unto Dawn. After a brief conversation with the AI Cortana, the genetically enhanced, perpetually armored Chief enters a hypersleep chamber. The cutscene camera switches to an exterior shot, which pulls back to reveal the remnants of the Dawn entering orbit around a mystery planet. As the sun rises on the planet, music swells, and the screen fades to white, at which point the cutscene abruptly ends. With that setup, many assumed that Bungie's next project would feature the Master Chief marooned on a strange planet, struggling for survival--a sort of off-world Far Cry. However, a source with knowledge of the studio's development slate told GameSpot a different story. She or he said that sometime this year, Bungie will announce a "darker, grittier" Halo game that doesn't feature the Master Chief at all. According to the source, the new Halo game will be a spin-off that resembles "a cross between Ghost Recon and Gears of War." It will reportedly tell a "less cartoony" and "more bloody, violent, and grim" tale of a battle between UNSC forces and the pan-racial religious empire known as the Covenant. The game's atmosphere was described as similar to that of the live-action Halo shorts directed by South African filmmaker Neil Blomkamp (pictured), who was to helm the now-stalled big-screen adaptation of the game. The source says that the upcoming Halo game is a tactical shooter that will follow a squad of colonial marines or orbital-drop shock troopers engaged in "intense" fighting on the ground. Gameplay details were scant, other than the fact that it will reportedly let gamers play as an entire squad in co-op mode through the entire campaign. The exact number of co-op players has yet to be finalized, but it could be as high as eight. It is unclear if the new game is the same as the "Halo: Forerunner" project first rumored in 2006. The official story: Microsoft had not yet responded to requests for comment as of press time. Bogus or not bogus?: Based on the strength of the source, this is almost certainly not bogus. And with Bungie's teaser last week, news about the game could arrive as soon as tomorrow's Microsoft press conference at the E3 Media & Business Summit. ''
Yeah, I had similar messages too. lukems had something about it in the weekly update, but it is hard to find as it was covered up in the whole article.
Its like a teaser because they are having a coundown untill they announce something big. Lets hope its some type of expsansion pack.
Chances are possible of a new layout for the website seeing how they are going to announce at least one new game at E3. They seem to like to change the layout for each new game announced/released. Also what is with their new "logo" that they seem to be plastering everywhere. I saw it in the top right corner of the last Halo vid I downloaded, at the end of the Chill Out one you see it in the top right corner. This thing:
Down to about 20 hours. The site will be back up at about 2:00pm GMT, 9:00am US Atlantic (GMT-5). Cant wait. I got so startled when i saw that, i was expecting to just go see the home page. Also, notice how the part with the red band is one of those faces. A big circle one with circle eyes.
What a depressed Logo. I hope they don't change it to that officially. Thanks man, edited them in. Yeah, you can click on the ''Continue'' button on the bottom.
They never made this much hype about a map pack or expansion... I'd say first article about there new project.It may well be whatever story they've come up with to replace halo
I agree, they may show some insight into the new Halo based game. Just cant wait till next morning. =]