This is actually very cool. I love the curvature in one of the sniper perches and the sketchup pictures are really unique. I have never seen a map like this before either, it really takes guts to do a unique map. 5/5
thanks bro thank youuuu! ohhh thought out it was took me atleast a good 2-3 months to get this perfect and everything(idea) i have played quite a bit on it its definentally intense (btw your quote speaks for true) wow...thank you your words make me happy sketchup art is very sketchy it took a few minutes (didnt spend as much time on them as the map(haha)) i tried for originality and ive never heard it put like that but it does take guts to be differnet and to be who you are so i guess a unige map would too thannk you you inspire me
i would try to stay away from the overuse of pallets barrels and cones as they usually serve no purpose
Nice map, I, a fan of great layouts, approve very highly of this, though, I like team games, and Im not very sure how well this'll go, but I guess I could play FFA every once and a while...
this map looks awsome for some FFA. Nice semi cirlces on the top floors, looks amazing with that. 5/5 MLG Carbon Sector v2
this map looks like it has a good height to it, wait, i always come here and tell the person who made it about its features, its what i like a bout the map, so im not stating the obvious. sorry but i also like the circular area at the top
thank you it took forever to get right thank you ahh yes....this was one of my main concerns but i didnt use much theres 6 barrels total 1 cone and 1 pallet just trying to add asthetics to the gaqmeplay thank you for the advice which dumpsters are unescacary ill try and fix that and add new features if i decide to go v2 yeah the only team game you might find fun on this would be doubles it works pretty well indeed this layout took forever ffa never hurts ne1 haha thank you muches wow thank you much intense ffa it is no no never be afraid to tell what you like about a map it makes the forger feel confident about that for maps to come thank you for the feedback many people dont like close up im trying to get good at making larger team maps thank you well not really but the name just kind of fit it sumhow and ive not seen much silo names so i thought new would be kooler