it comes from Norma Jean's album “O’ God, The Aftermath: The Marvelous End Of The Exhausted Contender", where every album title is a combination of two words fused together. I plan on using a few more of them actually. Murderotica - Murder + Erotica Bayonetwork - Bayonet + Network and so on. is your new map named after the Tool album by any chance?
You shall expect to see a review of what I think here in the near future. I just love this map so much. I'm looking forward to your next map TBH. This map gave me hope in the Comp section again.
whats TBH? my next map is actually gonna be with blaze. it was a large success just having him fix little things that we decided to do a whole map together from scratch. look for it within a few weeks. aside from that, i have another solo map being done, but it'll be a long while before thats done. its still on paper. it will be called Vertebraille.
TBH is To Be Honest. and you have gotten me excited for the new maps that now I have something it the works with Sqorck that is a mash up between a favorite Halo:CE map of mine and something a little out of the ordinary. I would love to help you in the future if any need (eg. testing, weapon set ideas, etc.) I would love to help.
well, i will definately get you in on the testing when it comes time then. hopefully you wont be disappointed.
and to this guy even tho hes notgoin to read it most likly.. a bit reason it looks formiliar is the fact that it was inspired and made by us and our maps, like a colision. we have peices ofwhat people liked from our mapsthat we have made b4 to crete amap that every1 will like.. and i think your a little under estimating us and even me alone.. you should see what i have coming. imnot even about torun out of ideas.
I see, I see... That is pretty nifty. Yes. But more of the actual song than the album. ~But don't get my wrong, I love the album itself~ (Tool's my favorite band btw; I was thinking of making a "Tool Map Pack" and making the three maps with three of my favorite tool songs (Lateralus, H., and Jambi).
first of all stop with the spam post there really anoying and lower the threads deminer. Second of comon guys this map or one of his other are freakin amazing comeon feature feature feature.
Why has this map not been featured yet? The interlocking is mind blowing, the merging is top notch, and it all comes togeather in a flawless layout. It all flows and looks astechily perfect. I really like this map and it deserves to be featured. You and Blaze did a amazing job on this one. Once Again I say good work.