Aaaaaaaand... Wahbam! Question answered. Thanks for not pwning me. But seriously, I don't mind taking this conversation further. You don't understand how time consuming it is to do an individual map. And I'm not only using my time, but the time of other judges, which, if you would look at The Review Hub (No offense guys.), they have a really hard time gathering reviewers. So put that into perspective. Ya, though, the last bit of maps (Which you unfortunately attended), were the worst. Not the maps, just the situation. We had tons of lag problems, and there were some issues with other things...MY ****ING MIC WOULDN'T STOP LAGGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super Angry Faic. I will be gathering pics of Yellow. I guess I will put links of the maps in the front page. The names of the maps will be links. I will also be posting the Submission thread for people to view the original entries. You're the sneaky bastard who did that I hate you. lol, it was interesting nonetheless. Watch your mouth boy! =P Ya, get rid of it, there's no reason for people to flame you later down the road for a map that isn't "SUPER HAX" or "1337 Win." or "zomgwtfbbqhax"... You know what I mean.
LOL WOOPS sorry about that. I was told by one of the judges that it spawned up there, and with the fact that they had it the whole time up there, there wasn't much else I could assume except it spawned up there. Sorry, but it wouldn't have effected your map greatly one way or the other...
Yeah well now me and allseeing will make sovereingty V2 with interlocking But great job winners and everyone that actually spent time and wrok on making their maps unlike some that really should get a kick in the balls for being a smart ass.
Yeah, I would like to compete in this next time. Maybe, Anyone who was a "smart-a**" this time is automatically dis-qualified for next time. "Lazy Mapmakers" shouldn't be taken too literally. Tex, check your pms.
I made the map low ground and I want to make it better. Is there anything else wrong with the map other than spawns that you recall?
Yay! My very first Foundry map got a 5.6/10, even with it having been made in like 8 hours the day after Christmas. xD I'm just astonished I beat out as many people as I did with that piece of crap!
Uhh....I checked my pms. I agree that people shouldn't take "Lazy Mapmaker's" too literally, though...I can't really keep people from posting "joke" maps. That is up to them if they want to take it seriously. Not a problem asking, and I'm glad you didn't get to aggravated with the results, as some people on the internet can freak out sometime >.> lulz, about half the maps were "rockin" imo...the other half...I need not flame, so I shalt say anything. Apparently you're not the only one who just entered their first ever map. =/ Your's wasn't bad, though there were some where... Orly? You won with what you had. Why enter something that isn't Roots? Roots was win.
But foundry remake ss amazing, it could've won all the categories. I mean, seriously. The map is near perfect, it even has the double boxes the walls, and window panels, what more could you want?
interlocking. No, but seriously, I am rather confused by your post. Can you rephrase it please (unless it was sarcasm, if it was sarcasm, then just pm me "sarcasm nub" or something)
I know what you mean. I figured the spawning on that map and a few things (like the grav. lifts) would actually bring the maps rating down (which was the basic thing that did bring it down)... I think I'll actually go back into Ragnarok and make some edits to it. It's still my best non-interlocked map I've made to date and I guess there is always room for improvement... (though, I haven't made any other non-interlock maps ever since I found out how to interlock) <.< ~Oh, and I forgot to note this earlier, and I know it's been a while... But... CONGRATS ON BECOMING A LOYAL! ^.^
Yes, it will be taken more seriously, but it will also be known of then, so I'm fearing a good 60 maps will be posted vs the 30+ that were in this one =[ I just don't have time lately, when I know I will have time, I will do it.
ha, ya thats another factor. the best thing would probably have two or more judge groups. and then you could review the best that they put.
I plan to have at least 10 judges next time (uh-oh, i said "next time") And only people I trust have good-decision making skills. I'm not going to permit some idiot to judge these maps, simply because some people have feuds, and there are people I know and trust that can think outside of a feud.
I was playing on Yellow today, and my friend may have found interlocking on it. ALso, seriously, three rep squares, how much rep is that?