lol, that's like the five stages of Grief. Denial: This can't be happening to me! I'm too awesome! I have a level 50! Anger: Why the **** are they resetting the ranks! I worked so hard to get to that level! Bargaining: Please, Shiska, please! I'll buy you a Hummer if you don't reset them! Depression: **** it. I don't care anymore. *sob* Acceptance: It's okay. I can re-rank later.
They are prob just vamping up their home page a bit. and lolz, they wont reset ranks, or other wise on xbox live, there will be a maintenance message a couple of days before it begins..
Thank god you don't have control over the matchmaking playlists other wise everything would be dull and basicaly not fun. The AR is a starting weapon for a reason If you enjoy BR starts play the playlists that already support that please.
Are you a spray and pray person? The BR has a lot more skill behind it. Also the AR is a terrible default weapon. I would rather start with fuel rods. The new update sounds great. I like the 8 person private chat.
The AR is a starting weapon that gives a player a fighting chance and yes the BR takes more skill to use but the AR still takes skill because both require aiming even if players just spray with it, a smart player would realize the AR can be burst fired and its actualy more powerful than the BR. :O Oh and if spraying is a bad thing how am I a brigadier?
I didnt say you are noob did I? I just said that the BR takes more skill than the AR in most situations. The AR is only really effective at close range against the BR and how often do you spawn with the AR and get owned by long range? But if you spawn with the BR you have more of a chance of killing the person that also has a longer range weapon.
If you start with a BR you would be dominated at close range or people would complain about spawn rape because the BRs range is to great. Also the Ar is a dealy combo if combined with the golden triangle bungie set up "Beat downs,Grenades" then burst firing the AR works. 4 shot burst work best for mid range.
Why would you be dominated at close range? When everyone has mid range weapons. Very rarely I will be killed by the AR when I have the BR. Well they have improved there default weapon from Halo 2.
Yeah look it up on youtube its a girraffee that falls in a quick sand pit and he goes through all the emoitional stages its ver funny.
Eyeless, I meant to say, "continue," not "bring," but this is a topic about the f***ing update(even though there are two other topics about it), stop playing out this characteristically Halo 3 argument here.
LOL ok my bad..........Yeah I think the update will show many improvements and some goodies for the fans hopefully a release date for new maps or downloadable content. : ]
It wasnt an argument it was a discussion. It was still about the update. But anyway, I dont really know what bungie would de for a update. In previous ones all they have done is reset the ranks and screwed with our minds.
I can't wait, this sounds like an uber, epic update. I think it's for the better and I wouldn't really care if they set back the ranks. I hope that there's some forging updates in there to, maybe along with better graphics (not saying they arn't great as is, but gaming graphics have been passing up halo 3 quite quick)
Ah.... So many threads about this! ...And I made one! I feel so ashamed. lol But yeah, I think they already said they won't do rank resets. Can't find it know since the main page was substituted by that odd ball with a countdown. Maybe we'll get some new weapons... And new cars to crash >< Post 900 beatch!
Bungie said "major changes to the online experience" many times before. Thats what they thought Ranked BTB was..