Hidden League Gaming

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Make a map, Jul 14, 2008.

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  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I actually did this a few times. It is funny, but can get boring. Also, just because they hide doesn't mean they suck, I mean come on, they had to of killed you first and multiple times to get the lead right? Anyways, I like hiding in places with tons of traffic so I can assassinate unsuspecting victims. Thats always fun.
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Lol hi I'm in Hidden Godz heres their vids



    And no I'm not a noob.People that know me know I'm very good but HLG is actually very fun to do and the reactions of the people on the other team.
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    i think its a great idea, my friend once was playing team slayer, and all of his team mates left early in the game on high ground. so he used a quick burst of energy to get ahead a few points, then hid the entire rest of the game, and won... lol if you win, then why not do it???
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I've Helped two of my friends to their 50s I could deffinatly haddle myself against people who hide thats why grenades were invented. I have never been "mauled" by anyone who has camped against me and I got my 45 in 300 ranked games in the first 2 weeks of Halo 3 I stopped playing match making after that and I've been playing customs ever since. I play some MLG styled customs too so I guarentee you I would never loose to a HLG member. I respect that they have their own tactics even if they are very unpopular for them but theres a differance between skilled players and ones that "Stategicaly hold a possition". They can keep on hiding it will only prolong their humiliating loss at the end of my crossairs. :)
  5. cgamer2021

    cgamer2021 Ancient
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    At 1:16, was that a spawn kill I saw?
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Yo Playerhata, next time you or your clan makes a video, try getting it live and have the reactions after the game. Those are the best
  7. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
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    Do some research before you make your next post they do MLG and this is how they play it.


    I love what they have done with their emblems that's my current one.

    Thats because you were probaly playing people that camp. If you want to get mauled by a proper Hidden master ask anyone of these people:

    •Arcane Killenn
    •Hidden Master
    •Water Just1ce (Summer Vacation)
    •Arctic Ravenn (on call)

    HLG FTW :p
  8. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    The only thing Hardcore and MLG have in common are BR's and no radar.
  9. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    None of them look very intimidating [ 3 colonels and a captain grade 2]I could pull out some legit 5 star generals that don't hide and that would not be fooled by a HLG tactic In all the games that I play I already know where players can hide because I found all the hiding spots or looked them up and never got beat by not being able to find someone. Plus I glitch on maps all the time most likely I would find them before they could hide if they coulkd even get the first kill. ; ] PS the people that lost in most of the videos sucked. : / beating noobs is nothing special.
    #29 Eyeless Sid, Jul 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  10. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
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    Whats your gamertag then i'll ask if there up for giving you a game (there is a very slim chance considering everyone keeps wanting to play them but they decline most of them) and if they do accept i hope you know that it will probaly be all four of them playing not just one. They use teamwork instead of skill but i have seen them play matches against cocky generals like your with and without hiding they've trashed them.

    I never said they were the same i said this is an example of how they play MLG grab the oddball hide it then protect it. For flag games im still confused about how hiding helps but they some how firgured it out.
  11. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    My gamertag is my User name and every one thats some what good can out smart the HGL players tactics seeing as most of them aren't even at the rank of 45 and you can't win without team work especialy in team slayer how do you think my friends got the general ranks! ; ] And then generals they beat are probably the ones that bought the general accounts instead of actualy earning them [yes their are many fake /or bad general players] I can assure you though real generals like my friends that are 40+ in multiple playlists including MLG/team hardcore.HLG gamers are having their fun hiding and my group has fun destroying players bad tactics. Yes it is true that HLG doesn't accept playing request and most of the time they play crappy players mostly people under the 45 rank. I say let them have their fun and I'll have my fun winning.
  12. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
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    Yes the four main members aren't high because they only play with those accounts to hide they are second accounts i can recall one of them saying they were all 46 or above in a video. Sure if they played an organised pro team they would struggle but i think that they would still win.

    ps: There two best hiding spots haven't been seen by the public and haven't been used yet because they are looking to maul a pro team and tey want to make sure of no mess ups.
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    If I wanted to find those secret spots all I would need to do is check their recent games and look at how the game went down or I could just watch a video or two and figure it out. Also having more than one account shows lack of skill, you should be able to reach general no problem on a second account! Ive seen people get a 50 in 20 games on a second account. And an organized team will always come out on top in a slayer game "strategically hiding" only helps if you get the lead which doesn't happen to an organized team. Please don't speak for them, they can speak for themselves by hiding.
  14. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
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    Ok im going to make a fair conclusion to this discussion. Im going to make two new accounts one for straight up play and one for HLG and i'll see how long it takes to reach a fifty.
  15. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Its been proven a level 50 rank can be reached in 20 games theres a specific way you can do it by playing with higher ranked players and wining 20 strait games.If you use HLG tactics you will NOT reach a 50 unless you play team doubles.
  16. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Yes, but in illegal spots. I refuse to believe anyone who hides like that is remotely skillful at this game.

    Teamwork instead of skill? That doesn't make sense since it takes skill to have successful teamwork. They better communicate if they expect to beat anyone decent.
  17. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Saying people shouldnt hide is like saying people shouldn't camp.
    You can complain all you like but its not going to stop them.
    The person whos camping is enjoying it adn you are the fools getting beaten for it.
    I mean on valhalla on playahaters vid all youd have to do to get the easiest overkill in history and ruin the chances of going back into hiding was throw two plasma's up there.

    By the way watch some of the masters vids,they're a much better idea of this and are who yer mans talking about.
    They ARE good.They don't just sit in a hiding spot and wait with one kill.
    They actively use the hiding spots to get kills and it wouldnt suprise me if these guys get 50 kills regardless of their playstyle.Frankly thats just using the segments of the maps we dont know about and games would be alot more interesting if everyone knew them.
    WATCH the vids before you judge,these guys are very tactical.
    Frankly i find it hilarious on the last resort one they way it kinda resembles them leaving their spots,killing a few guys then just moving **** arround to mess with their heads XD
    #37 Supa Midget, Jul 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  18. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    1. Just watch their videos, examine their "spots."
    2. Practice a bit. getting into the "spots."
    3. If you and your teammates find no one for 30 seconds +, go through the list.
    4. Hope that one of them is doing something else.
    5. Get some kills, lure them back into the game.
    6. Enjoy your win!
    Some dudes tried to hide on me and my bro on Snowbound, they were 9-7 and hid, we found them, and had a drawn out battle in low base(carbine).
    After that me and my bro were 13-11, we ended up circulating them for the last minute (where you take note of their location, and follow the flow of the map in a way that doesn't intersect).
  19. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    We can talk smack all we want, but does it really matter if some HLG guy can beat a 5-star general or vice versa? no it doesn't. it's just a game you guys...
  20. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
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    You really are stupid illegal spots and no skill at all ill give you a one on one and then you'll see some hidden magic.
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