Well as some of you have read or heard the last B.net update they said there are going to be major things happening to the Halo 3 online experience.Found here. And this is what they said. Thanks to everyone at the 10,000 post countdown for finally teaching me how to take pictures of my screen <3 Theres also some weird home page at B.netwith a countdown box in the bottom right hand corner.Maybe counting down till the update?Who knows. Personally I belive they are reseeting the ranks.I know Oh teh noes.But you know they did it back in Halo 2 and bungie doesn't learn from their mistakes as we all know. So what do you think?
Stages of the rank reset 1.Call bungie noobs and then pout at how you lost that level that took you countless numbers of hours and hard wrok to get. 2.Play 20 team slayer games de ranking at lvl 1 betraying and bitching about losing your rank. 3.Get a bunch of your friends to do the same as 2. 4.Repeat what you did to get your level 5.Play COD4.
I don't believe they will reset ranks I think thats the last thing they want to do right now. I hope its something good that adds to the game like new achievments or more Campaign/multiplayer levels.
Well no campaign levels.But they said people will get mad about so think of what people could get mad about. Possibilites: Ranks Reset Exp Reset New weapon?(nah) More skulls=no hayubusa
Mabey matchmaking updates,weapon placements,other announcements. It could be anything I just can't see them reseting ranks it would make the community go mad : /
Hopefully a forge update (as we all hope). They might be revamping some weapons or even editing some of the playlists. The only other update I hope for is no more lag.... ever. Oh well... I can dream. Edit: A rank reset would make me pretty mad seeing how I've never cheated for my rank and I've put so much work into it. I would pretty much quit matchmaking...
True because once they did back in Halo 2 I modded lol. Matchamking weapon update I don't think would need to be mentioned because I don't see it being that important. But still whatever it is its gunna be crazy.
I would love to see forge filters on the old maps allong with better forge items on all the maps! Just think foundry items on Valhalla but with a furruner theme to them or even sandtrap
Yeah but most likely they would only do that in new maps. That would be extremly epic win.But probally not going to happen but who knows.
I'm a grade two lieutenant, so i don't have much to lose, so i'm fine with it, but I find it really unlikely that Bungie would reset everyones rank.
If I remember correctly didn't they reset the ranks in Halo 2 after they came out with a patch that would "supposedly" stop cheaters and start everyone on a level playing field. As far as I know there is no such wide spread cheating method in Halo 3 that would warrant a rank reset. So for the time being I'm not to worried that they would do it. Though I could be entirely wrong and they could reset the ranks, but if it did it wouldn't bother me because I've gotten to lvl 50 many times. Now what I'm expecting is for them to announce an expansion pack that would take advantage of the remaining 250 achievement points. What this expansion would include I could not guess, but it is much more likely then some of the other rumors flying around these days such as Halo 4.
Yeah and even girl chiefs! No bungie is still a big sexist but they comprised with the girl orgasm/death noise.
Well the only way that would happen is if a new map pack came out. But if they did do that it would be epic win.
heres what i think. 1. new map pack: very unlikely OR 2. new armor,weapons, OR 3. more achievments also just a little thing ive been noticing the past couple of days is if you look at the bungie logo while in the bungie.net forums for about a minute or 2 it changes to the green thingy that bungie had in the gamerpics(little robot thing) for about 1/2 a second.