would have to redo every object if i decided to do interlocking, but may give it a try if people think it is worth doing.
this is his own map i no the one you are talking about and this one is better by far A MAP DOESN'T NEED INTERLOCKING TO BE GOOD
wut stops people from just jumping down to blackout and hiding? And please dont tell me: " theres no point to jump down cuz there are no weapons down there, or: Only true friends would play fair, or anythin like that ( please just tell me if it is possible to just jump down onto the blackout map or not?) Dont give me other BS please... it just a simple question. Thanxz Peace! Other than that your map looks pretty well constructed and organized... hope you keep on forging... Peace! Stay Sweet
All I gotta say is this is a revelation to me, as I have tried to get above Blackout many times. Despite the lack of interlocking this looks good. As far as jumping down, the map 'Solaris' (an out of Standoff map where the ground kills you by staying on it too long) is very similar to this. You can jump back into Standoff, but what's the point? Majority of players will stay in the action. Just boot those who don't, or leave grenades so they can commit suicide and return-it's not a big deal.
thanks for leaving your comments everyone. you can jump down to the bottom but i dont know how i would stop this? and you can get back up as there are teleporters on the ground. i dont see why people would hide there anyway because if they did they wouldnt get any kills, and they would still get founded out by the people who fall down.
it will take for ever to interlock the whole map though... was hard enough to make objects stay in the same place without them flying off so will be hard to mark where the boxes are to interlock e.g. cant put the spawn points down in places to mark where the objects are as they will just fly into the map below If i do redo the whole map and interlock it, is there anything else i should put in? e.g. new platforms etc?
if i remade doing interlocking which would take aaages.... what else should i put in to make it better?
looks pretty good, the boxes seem straight and looks very fun with man cannons, my only problem is because its above blackout can u fall and land onit? still looks fun gd job
have now posted a poll for you to vote about the map, please keep the commments and downloads rolling in
=3 (proud face) That's mah map, Interrobang!! It's good to see that people have actually downloaded it. xD Be proud you have, since you've seen it before it gets on Bungie Favorites. He was simply talking about its resemblance to my map, Interrobang (linked in my sig). In no way does your map look like mine, as yours is a bunch of separate floating segments linked to others by Mancannons and bridges. Mine was a large block of objects linked together via interlocking, whereas yours is more of a "space debris" type of thing, which is mad cool. When you do do another version of this map, I recommend you interlock the boxes that are intended to be walked on, for the sake of smoothness. Check out the way my Interrobang's boxes are put together if you don't understand what I mean by that. Anyway, great map, and I hope to see you improve it in the future!
STOP REPLYING TO YOUR OWN MAP!!!! I KNO YOUR NEW BUT U SHOULD KNO THE RULES. you have replied 15... yes 15 TIMES to your own map. and its getting really sickening. Please stop or ill have to report you to a mod. Find a different way to reply to peoples questions! If i didnt kno any better id think your trying to keep your map thread on the front page of the forums. If it falls to the 2nd , or 3rd page it means kno one is interested in your map anymore. Here's all the replies you have done, just to prove how many times you have posted on your own thread. Stop Immediatly please