When i tried to log onto BUNGIE a weird screen came up . Here is the link you have to see this. I have never seen this before :-O Bungie.net: Service will resume momentarily EDIT Please if you read this, dont make another thread because its getting flammed over at the bnet forums and i dont want it to be like that over here. Here is some other stuff from bnet *CLUES POSSIBLY* If you press http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6356/halo3menuwl4.jpg in the menu of Halo 3, you see the image that I just linked to pop up. Notice the numbers: I did a quick Google search on these numbers, and it found this I haven't read it all yet, but it goes on about Plasma and Spacecraft and such. Coincidence, or something Bungie have done on purpose? Apparently, the SI first posted '0EEP IT CLEAN'. Then, he posted K7EP IT CLEAN. After that, he posted KE1P IT CLEAN. If you add the first number is 0, but after that, add 1 and 7 and you get 8, this turns out to be 08, mabye meaning this has something to do with E3 08. I also feel that the Bungie icon is changing now to the SI icon and referring to the SI because E3 is almost here. well we all know bungie loves the number 7. and ppl try to make number sequences into 7 and what-not so maybe this whole "keep it clean" thing is a secret number message From letters to numbers it looks like this 11 5 5 16 9 20 3 12 5 1 14 Something hidden in all this? Any speculation? or does the phrase just have to do with something completely unrelated to this. Also the Superintendent said in a recent post "0EEP IT CLEAN" So what does the 0 stand for???? We already know by now this is NOT a typo. Here is teh phrase we have gotten from the SI 071P I8 1LE0N K7EP IT CLEAN KE1P IT CLEAN
There's a timer counting down to approximitely 2 days from now. So i'm assuming we're getting a surprise in two days? The suspense builds...
Cmon guys stop thinking so sensibly... It's the end of the universe! Only bungie would be able to forsee it! It even says. "final notice, bill past due" dunno what the hell that means but it sure sounds like the end of the universe!
Bit of a long shot, but could this have anything to do with that post someone made about Halo 4 being announced soon? Sounds unlikely but it sure would be nice.
Nahh. It just means that Bungie hasn't paid their bills lately. First they shutdown their forums then the company goes bankrupt. Nothing serious...
Hopefully it will be Halo Wars... Hmmm did anybody hear anything about the ability to Forge Halo Wars maps? That could prove to be very interesting... Just an idea...
didn't bungie say something about july 14. I bet you that counter on bungie's home page will stop at 1:1:7. And if that is the case, than this annoucement may come soon. There is a reccuring city theme in all of there messages, so maybe headlong? Hell, I'm thinking a Halo 3 map pack.
wow, im on bnet forums (only the main page is totally screwed up) and this topic is getting FLAMMED so much. I hope it doesnt transfer over to Forgehub. I posted this before looking at teh bnet forums so i thought i was the first but apparently not. Anyhowser, I think its just a countdown to the time they release a new map pack.
in the source code for that page at the top is a link to a website or something like that I went to website and it seems to be nothing but....
Same here. I love how Bungie teases us with stuff like this, it's always some kind of mystery, or countdown... Kinda lets them hype their products too.