The 'UK Forging Network ' is a UK based group dedicated to creating, finding and enhancing the best peices of Forge to date. Interested? Please feel free to join. para : UK Forging Network : Group Home
does this mean we r going to lose our friends from the UK, NOOOOO!1!!! PS, dont leave! i so love the way you all talk! (seriously) and how you never studder in sentances
cant work out whether ur taking the mickey or not but either way i dont really care. UK Forging Network is for anyone who wants to join not just UK residents. It has UK in the name because thats where im from and im the founder. Feel free to join coz i like the way you guys talk and stutter an all that.
Well i nearly e-stabbed HPsauce when he invited me to a UK only group XD "Gee sorry midget,thought you were from NORTHERN ireland" Poxy chav...but yeah sadly i cannot join,wish you luck getting people though
like i said earlier anyone can join. im not a racist. if your cinfused read my earlier post about why it says UK