Ice House

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Jul 14, 2008.


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    Ice House

    Required Gametype: Clue v2
    -same as Clue by Tender Bisquit, but apparently that version wouldn’t spawn my fuel rod gun or sentinel beam, but this duplicate copy will… go figure

    Ice House is also set up for Slayer, and I would recommend turning map weapons off and making it a random-weapon, fiesta match.

    Recommended # of players: 5-12

    The Clue Rules:

    • In the pre-game lobby, God (first party leader) decides upon a killer (or two, depending on party size). God then sends a text message to the killer to inform him (“you” works well). The killer will send a text message back confirming that he understands he is the killer (“k” will suffice)
    • The killer may not kill until god has picked up the ball. This is because when the ball is held, there is no ____ was killed by ____ messages in game
    • No one can shoot, throw grenades, or melee anything or anyone unless you are the killer, or you physically see someone else commit one of these actions. Then you may take action against the offender, or defend yourself. These actions are considered violent actions, and will get you killed. The most “violent action” you can do is charge your plasma pistol (if you have one)… however you cannot charge a laser.
    • The killer tries to isolate people, and kill them off one by one, unnoticed. No one knows who the killer is except for God, and his victims (who cannot say or hint to who killed them, or with what weapon.. youre dead, act like it.).
    • If the killer kills off everyone else, he wins, and is the new God.
    • If the killer fails and gets killed while trying to kill someone, the player who killed the killer is the new God.
    • If there are two killers, and they kill off everyone else, they then battle each other for the God position. Last one standing is God.
    • If the killer dies, inform the party leader so he can end the game, and start a new one. In the new pre-game lobby, God chooses a new killer, and repeat.
    • No standing on God’s head.

    It’s a lot of honor rules, but a TON of fun with mature players who play by the rules.


    God starts off the match by swapping his best weapon out with the pistol, for whoever wants it.

    He then jumps across and picks up the ball, starting the game. The killer may now start killing.

    God then has a few options, he can either run around and bug people, or he can proceed to the God box through the teleporter in the yellow room. Jump from atop the tele stand. teleporter merged into cieling. OMGHAX

    No one can make the jump to the God box tele but God. Here’s a couple shots of it


    Main room below the God Box

    Interesting Cold Storage item properties. You can stand on inactive sender and 2-way nodes!! Check out my Tele-Case. Ascend to the top through a series of quick jumps

    Sniper Catwalk (bit of merging)

    A separator to make the two main rooms more separated (some more merging :D)

    The opposite side of the separator

    Other wall, with man cannon to Hammer perch

    Hammer perch

    I can has secret hallway?!

    Secret Hallway ( I replaced the Needler with the Mauler, as it’s a better choice for the Clue game variant)

    Blue Hallway tele…

    leads to Flamethrower. Rain down fire on unsuspecting victims
    #1 LIGHTSOUT225, Jul 14, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
    MattDGiant likes this.
  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    very nice.. the effects make it a little hard to see but i can look past that.. thats kool that you are recommending that you play fiesta im sure it will be alot of fun. ill have to try it but for now im goin to find something to delete. good job.

    EDIT: im surealot of people are goin to have a problem with the honor rules but it seems like it would deff be worth it.

    btw 1 of your pics arent working...
    "The opposite side of the separator
    #2 Blaze, Jul 14, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
  3. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Theres some nice tele placement and room choices. I like your tele quick jumps the most though. This is very nice for mature party lets hope I don't get the little kids that kid anything that moves ;] lol

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    fixed the pic that wasnt working, thanks. And yeh, it is a bit dark, but thats perfect for the gametype.. tryin to be all sneaky and what not, and give that spooky feeling.

    Credit goes to Vivious Vice for finding that little sender node trick. Its pretty handy.
  5. Brandon505

    Brandon505 Ancient
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    that sounds really fun if you can get ppl not to cheat. and i'm loving the last rule,LOL. got my d/l
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    alright ill be checking it out soon.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    So the player is able to stand on the senders, cool.
    They also have another rather annoying trait. Place it upiside down underneath a cat walk or something(so that the blue ora is pointing down), when you walk on top of the cat walk you'll go throught the tele, it screwed up a map I was working on.

    Senior Member

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    yeh i realized that one while merging the barriers in the catwalk. Could be pretty cool if used correctly
    Waylander likes this.
  9. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Clue has been a Ghost of Onyx regular. Its our Bread & Butter... our Cat & Mouse. The most fun is had when u got a group of people who follow the rules and the killing begins. Its hard to kill people without arousing suspicion.... but i am the speicalist so i approve this map because its awesome. And yes u can only stand on sender nodes other kind of nodes don't have that property.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Yeah, random teleporting across the map, would be interesting to see if its ever put to good use.
  11. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    This has been thought out very well. I would like to see it in play. So im going to download or get Linubidix to get it so we can play it at our next lan. Just the only bad thing about it is that you could break the game very easily. So i suppose thats why we you need mature players or players that are going to obey the rules.
    Smeagle likes this.
  12. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Not trying to become a bother, but I believe that someone else has already used the sender-node step trick.
    Anyways, this looks like it would be worth a couple hours of fun on the old hard drive.
    But lets say you have a group of mature players on this map and the game type.
    My "mature" friends can get antsy very quickly.
    Thats not your fault, Im just saying.
    But I will definitely download both the map and gametype and try to get a game together.
  13. ReactantMercury

    ReactantMercury Ancient
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    This map looks pretty cool,
    like the use of the blue glowing things,
    makes the map very uniqe,
    very differnt map for most others on this same map,
    Good Map!

  14. skiwell21

    skiwell21 Ancient
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    this is the sweetest map ever.
  15. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    wow... this is amazing. if only i could find friends who would actually play by the honor system.. lol
  16. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Wow, this is probably the most creative mini game I've ever seen great job! I'll have to download it and try it with my frineds. Btw 5/5
  17. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Yay Clue,
    Clue and Predator are two of my favorite mini games ever, and nice job on the map
  18. Lord Duckington

    Lord Duckington Ancient
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    if you could actually find enough MATURE people to play this game it would be mad fun
  19. jbarron402

    jbarron402 Ancient
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    Sounds a lot like the board game. I would love to play this, but it would be hard to get everybody not to kill each other at the beginning. I think I could find people willing to play as long as I can get them quiet in the pre game lobby and tell them how to play. I like to use the boot feature if people don't listen. That usually gets the attention of the other players.
  20. port11

    port11 Ancient
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    Hey I dont have a lot of friends that play custom games like this on my list so can you send me (port11) a friend request so I can play this clue game with u?

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