LOL, thank you. And to think someone suggest I remove the teles. I noticed that sometimes it can be a bit frustrating in CTF and Assault. But it still works fine. What it really shines in is Team Slayer, FFA and Elimination. As thesilencebroken said, I have a knack for making maps that cater to Elimination.
looks very nice, as for the merged b sign, well, we've had dumpsters, walls, trucks, numerous boxes, teleporters and i believe a pair of barrels, but not a b-sign.
Yay, I thought I was the first person to incorporate a B sign merged with the crane. I declare it to be mine.
lol, the b-sign is yours, the idea is originally Furious' or SaloTs, i'm not sure who did it first... possibly NeXn.
I know I'm not the first to merge with the crane. I believe I'm the first person to merge a b sign in the crane. I also think I'm the first person to include back alley merging in their maps. So... go me.
well, first person to have back-alley merging in an official map, me and headless barbie merged something in there sloppily before TGIF.
Then Me and headlessbarbie did it after TGIF. I made a good merge on the canvas then I went onto Pankration and re-did it. Its not too hard if you know how to merge.
looking really good, a cool layout and idea, its forged well and i c u took ur time on it and its paid off, youv got an amazing post with many screenshots and a long description, gd job
I loved the original map, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you've done to change it. I'm still hoping that there are the epic jumps to get to the fun places...
Of course they are. There's no way I could've removed them. If I did, I'd have killed the flow of the map. It plays simlar to the original but much much smoother.
I never saw the first boulevard, although this map looks great. It also looks very fun. Great post by the way, and congratulations on becoming a legendary member!
Looks like you took out some cover from the map. Ill DL and play it to see if it flows better than the original. Like the merging in the map also, looks like you spent a butt load of time getting all the interlocking and merging done. Nice job.
lol, i know. I was there. It took you a few hours just to get a few boxes lined up. But you get away with the because it was so early in the morning
Yeah, night forging for the win. That one single box at the ghost spawn took sooo long to do. I just couldnt get it into the right position.
oops, just realized i haven't posted in this thread yet. I remember looking at your file share before this came out and seeing hero's boulevard. I was like, oh i thought it was just boulevard. oh well. then i joined your party and you showed it to me. The post is good, but it needs more action shots. hehe i think the last pic technically counts as an action shot though.