The Lazy Mapmaker's Contest! Sorry it took so long to finally get the reviews of the maps completed people, but you all have to understand, there were quite a few maps to judge. Now, before we announce the winners, and the reviews of individual maps, I would like to let everyone know who all took part in the judging of the contest. I did originally select 6 judges for the contest, but things went...wrong? Without further adieu, here are our judges (names are of FH, not xbox live): Tex (Me! Rawr.) Asper49 Iv0rY Snak3 Waylander Dom says Oi Chipsinabox Shad0w Viper JAYclash bnasty574 linubidix II SHEDO II Before I go on, I would like to remind everyone the rules of the contest: With that in mind, let us go over those that broke these rules: Maps Disqualified for Interlocking: Sovereignty Should be remade using complete interlocking, it was really disappointing seeing the single set of bridges interlocked. Sniper's Square There was no need to interlock what little bit was interlocked. Perilous Wasn't bad, though, with interlocking, you are disqualified. Maps Disqualified for Merging with the Ground: Urban Warfare 2 It was really obvious that the double box was interlocked. Maps Disqualified for not Being Competitively Based: Battle Tower You could argue that this map was competitive, though the entire layout/feel was more infection/casual, as there were turns every 10 steps, with at each corner, a power weapon. Shielddoor Hill Was a race map. Maps that Actually Completed their entry properly: Note that we removed the original judging layout we had planned (Which was to copy the Review Hub's layout.). This was done to prevent over-spent time on individual maps. Mirage Comments: Shield doors were lag-creators/very intruiging. Spawns were kinky. Shotgun owned the map with the spawns/shield doors/closed quarters. The layout was also...intruiging. Creativity: 3/10 Playability: 2/10 Aesthetics: 1/10 Overall: 2/10 Annihilation Comments: Sword and Camo were really close. Some spawn issues could use work. Some camping issues also needed to be resolved. Creativity: 5/10 Playability: 5/10 Aesthetics: 5.5/10 Overall: 5.17/10 Brawl Comments: Center Structure was nice, and simplistic. Not very many spawn issues, this was nice. Holes in the ground made gameplay a little awkward. Close equipment placement aswell. Creativity: 7/10 Playability: 7/10 Aesthetics: 6.5/10 Overall: 6.83/10 TOSS ACCROSS Comments: Creativity: 1/10 Playability: 1/10 Aesthetics: 1/10 Overall: 1/10 Catastrophy Comments: There weren't any, as we were starting to come short of them at this time. Creativity: 7/10 Playability: 7/10 Aesthetics: 7/10 Overall: 7/10 Low Ground Comments: Spawns need some tweaking. It was really quick to get to the other side of the map. Though IMO this had some great gameplay. Creativity: 6.5/10 Playability: 8/10 Aesthetics: 8/10 Overall: 7.5/10 Porticullus Comments: Whoever controlled the top of the map...Kinda owned the map. Creativity: 7/10 Playability: 2/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Vehicles: 10/10 Overall: 4.3/10 (Vehicles rating not included) Redemption Comments: Camo and Sword were excruciatingly close. Also, if you owned the top of the map, you owned the entire map. Creativity: 3/10 Playability: 2/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Overall: 3/10 Urban Foliage Comments: Creativity: 5/10(For the washing machine.) Playability: 1/10 Aesthetics: 1/10 Overall: 2.3/10 Barricade Comments: Fix flag spawns. There were some spawn camp issues. There were also too many power weapons (and the exterior can hold them all) Creativity: 2.5/10 Playability: .5/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Overall: 2.3/10 Fort U.N.S.C3 Comments: Another fortress map, Fix spawns, fix crooked walls, stairs, etc., weapon placement (all-around) Creativity: 3/10 Playability: 2/10 Aesthetics: 1/10 Overall: 2/10 Enmity No Comments. Creativity: 2/10 Playability: 4/10 Aesthetics: 5/10 Overall: 3.6/10 CQB Comments: The powerups spawn too quickly, while there were too many of them. Also, that was similar to a maze. Creativity: 1/10 Playability: 1/10 Aesthetics: 1/10 Overall: 1/10 Dimension Comments: Would have been more cost effective to use entire map vs attempting to wall it off. Weapons were all on-top of the map, so if you owned the top floor, you owned the map. Creativity: 7/10 Playability: 7/10 Aesthetics: 7/10 Overall: 7/10 Yellow Comments: Creativity: 8/10 Playability: 8/10 Aesthetics: 10/10 Overall: 8.6/10 GunFacility2553 Comments Lots of camping probability Creativity: 7/10 Playability: 5/10 Aesthetics: 7/10 Overall: 6.3/10 Escalation Comments: Some issues with spawning, if you owned the top you owned the map. Creativity: 4/10 Playability: 4/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Overall: 4/10 quarters Comments: Before the game even started-linu said "The "q" should be capital, it already fails!" Creativity: 7/10 Playability: 1/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Overall: 4/10 roots Comments: Creativity: 10/10 Playability: 8/10 Aesthetics: 7/10 Overall: 8.3/10 Gritty Comments: Creativity: 5/10 Playability: 9/10 Aesthetics: 6/10 Overall: 6/10 Lazybud Comments: Creativity: 7/10 Playability: 7/10 Aesthetics: 6/10 Overall: 6.6/10 Highway Heaven Comments: The warthogs not being accessible was kinda cool. Creativity: 6/10 Playability: 5/10 Aesthetics: 6.5/10 Overall: 5.92/10 Warehouse Comments: Spawned outside the map, almost every time. Gametype was borderline not-competitive. Creativity: 5/10 Playability: 1/10 Aesthetics: 3/10 Overall: 5.92 [SIZE=3]Ragnarok[/SIZE] Comments: The gravlifts weren't very successful. Weapon spawns were a bit of wack. Spawns shouldn't be on top of the map, neither should the sniper. Creativity: 5/10 Playability: 3/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Overall: 4/10 [B][I][SIZE=3]CBQ Maze[/SIZE][/I][/B] [I]Comments: [COLOR=DarkRed] Too many powerweapons too close to eachother. Shotgun inside a shield door, never a good thing.[/COLOR] [/I][B][I]Creativity: 4/10 Playability: 4/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Overall: 4/10 [/I][/B] [LIST] [*][FONT=Georgia][B][I][SIZE=3]Abandon[/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT] [/LIST] [FONT=Georgia][B][I]Comments: [COLOR=DarkRed]Powerweapons on this map: Shotgun(possibly two of them), Spartan Laser, Rocket Launcher, Gravity Hammer, Mauler, Camo, Overshield, Sniper, Flame grenades all over the place.[/COLOR] [/I][/B][/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Georgia][B][I]Creativity: 4/10 Playability: 1/10 Aesthetics: 3.5/10 Overall: 3.5/10 [/I][/B][/FONT][LEFT] [LIST] [*][FONT=Georgia][B][I][SIZE=3]The Shaft[/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT] [/LIST] [FONT=Georgia][B][I]Comments: [COLOR=DarkRed] Seemed as though you could walk around the top of the map with a close combat weapon, such as one of the two maulers, or the bottom shotgun. Though, even with that, it was refreshing compared to a few in this competition.[/COLOR] [/I][/B][/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Georgia][B][I]Creativity: 6/10 Playability: 5/10 Aesthetics: 6/10 Overall: 5.6/10 [/I][/B][/FONT]-------------------------------------------------------------- [FONT=Georgia][I][B][SIZE=4] If your map was not listed, it was either not on your fileshare, or was screwed up, either way, the contest is over, and I apologize for any inconvenience. [SIZE=5] So, who wins? After all that judging, you have to have a winner. Well, in this case, there are three individual winners as mentioned in the original thread.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/I][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][B][I][SIZE=7]The Winners:[/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT] [SIZE=4][B][I][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed]The[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed] Most Playable Map:[/COLOR][/FONT][/I][/B] [/SIZE] [FONT=Georgia][B][I]Gritty, with a 9/10. This map showed exceptional gameplay, which was fun throughout the entire match. This one truly stood out of the rest of the competitors in the gameplay factor.[/I][/B][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkRed][B][I][FONT=Georgia] [SIZE=4]The Most Creative Map:[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Georgia][B][I]roots, with a 10/10. It had some really intriguing closed quarters fighting that was new in the eyes of some, and with it's multi-level flying around, it was indubitably enjoyable and creative.[/I][/B][/FONT] [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed][B][I][FONT=Georgia]The Most Aesthetic Map:[/FONT][/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Georgia][B][I] Yellow, with a 10/10. I think the saying goes: "A picture is worth a thousand words." Well, if that is the case, then download Mallet's map Yellow for inspiration on how to make a truly skilled map without the means of interlocking/merging.[/I][/B][/FONT] [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed][B][I][FONT=Georgia]The Best Map All-Around:[/FONT][/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Georgia][B][I]Yellow, it tops the cake at 8.6/10. There was no further things that could have been implemented in this beautiful map. That is debatable I suppose, but each of the judges agreed, that this map was the top dog.[/I][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][B][I][SIZE=5]The After-Review Review.[/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT] [B][I][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed] I, as well as many other judges, found that people took the title of this contest too literally, you know "Lazy Mapmaker's." I think that is a shame, as with the visualization of the three individuals who won this contest, there is obviously some real potential behind non-interlocked maps. I hope that in the future, if I hold an even such as this again, that people will use Yellow as an inspiration on how to make a map that will truly be glorious, and come out on top. [COLOR=Black] Thanks to all those who helped in judging, and all those who entered.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B] [FONT=Georgia][B][I][SIZE=5]Final Note: [SIZE=3] If you feel otherwise to any of the above. I apologize, but it's not likely to be changed through any means.[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
Yaaaay. Winners. Anyway, sounds like most of the maps were disappointments. Ah Well. Maybe if you do another, you should change the name lol. (not that it's your fault, what you said in the after review review.)
I wouldn't change the name, just point out examples of this one, like the extreme fail, and the extreme win, to get the entering people a good example of what to do/what not to do.
That made me lol when I said that. So glad its done and dusted, it was a real shame that people took the name so literally. We all knew Mallet was gonna win. How long was that we spent trying to find any interlocking?
awww, 5.17 . Oh well, mine was better than 14 other maps! BTW, is there any specifics that you can go into about my map (not saying I disagree, I would just like to work on it some more)? I was aware of the spawning issue ( I got Warlord Alpha to help me out, thx WA), but I didn't have time too fully correct the problem. Well thanks Tex for Hosting the contest, because I probably would have had to just dump the map (because it had no interlocking).
That list is false. I did a run down again and saw quite more with interlocking. Private message me for some more information.
I'm so fricken awesome. Hurrah =D Shame TexturedSun didnt enter.. he told me he was going to I'm sure. Good job other winning dudes lul@that <3
Meh, whatever, the winners didn't interlock, so I don't plan on going back to re-review the losing maps.
You got it mister. But in all seriousness, I just don't have time for re-reviews, which is why I didn't have the maps judged and the winners posted for almost 2 weeks. I have work to do, montages to make, halo to enjoy, and forgehub to scare the nubs on. Where do I have room/time to do said re-reviews? =P
A creator of a project he sticks was until the end. However because I consider you a friend I won't pwnd you to hard.
Ohh cool, the winners are up. Yeah I know what you are saying, I did 3 maps and I was bored out of my brains. I would hate to know what it felt like for you. I will give you +reps for your efforts when I can spread more love.
Sorry I didn't particapate. Is there links to the winners? I couldn't emagine not interlocking. Sometimes you can't resist lol
Yipee! Most creative I want to DL quarters now to find out what the rocket trap is. Roots is capitalized BTW. You should post a pic of each winning map. This contest was fun<3
I can understand the spawns, but what do you mean by the snipers? Both are placed on the ground level.
quarters Comments: Before the game even started-linu said "The "q" should be capital, it already fails!" Quote: Originally Posted by Linu Trap boxes are like a big "**** you" to players in a non-zombie map Quote: Originally Posted by Asper They're a big **** you to players in a zombie map too Quote: Originally Posted by Tex I rate this 7/10 for creativity simply because you tricked me into getting that ****ing rocket launcher, you evil bastard. Creativity: 7/10 Playability: 1/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Overall: 4/10 Haha! thats actually better then i expected. when i posted this i said how this was the first map i ever made so i just put it in here because it fit all the requirements.