This is basically an asthetic map of..well, a swimming pool! This map has no custom gametype but can be used for slayer or infection. This map includes the pool (duh), a lifeguard post, changing rooms, a diving board, and a 'shark'. (ghost) Please rate and commment! And now.. screenshots! Diving Board! CHanging Rooms (shotgun in 2nd stall) Beware the shark! There just water balloons.. right? Download Map!
Looks like you took the thumbnail of your screenshot on Bungie. Try double clicking the picture and a new screen will pop up. It'll look like this: Save to desktop, then just upload and embed on here again. Good luck!
looks ok. i like how you included things like a change room and a diving board. btw why would there be a ghost under water? wouldnt it like set on fire or something lol
The ghost is supposed to simulate a shark, , a.k.a. killing ppl underwater. Not a covenant vehicle at the bottom of a pool! That'd be ridiculous.
lol, i made a pool-type thing once for a screenshot but it was no where near as cool as this good job.
Thanks, i dont think i put up the screenshots but theres a lifeguard tower made from window panels with a sniper in it. Download please.
wow, zTo Norlinsky, good job on that comment! people don't usually post that good of an explanation on how to post pics correctly. anyway, from what i see, the map looks good i usually like these water type ones so good job!
This looks really great, I like the way you've added a diving board and a shark, although you should get bigger pics, not much point of telling you how, since zTo Norlinsky has provided a very detailed explanation of how fix them.