Oh surprise, another McDonald's map! This map featured a parking lot, grills, drive thru, tables, attic, and chimney! Please rate and comment! This map can be used with Fat Kid or slayer. Download Map! Download gametype!
Why don't you just say INFECTION or Slayer? In stead of Fat Kid specifically. Anyway, those pics are thumbnails. If you used Imageshack, use the 'Hotlink For Forums -1-' Code.
Wow, i didn't think of it that way, from what i can see the map looks ...okay... you really should get bigger pictures or even link to some bigger pictures
meh, nothing I haven't seen before. Please guys, no more restraunts/eateries. There a big turnoff for me and a lot of other people. I guess there are those who like them them though. I just don't see why. 2/10 Note that if you do make something like this. Make it ORIGINAL. It may be hard but find some way to pour some originality. Every time I see a map like this they all say, NOW WITH A PARKINGLOT! or V2 HAS A DRIVE THRU! yeah seen it all before not trying to get you down and all just telling you what I think.
Yeah, i've had this map for a while and only recently learned how to post them, i posted 2 just tonight, they're getting kinda boring but im thinking of a way to make a 'food dispenser' or something.
haha, there are a lot actually. Just seach "McDonalds" in the forums and you'll probably find 20ish. Im really jealous of Burger King made my EXPLOSIVEGG though. check out his fileshare, its pretty cool. =] Burger King! -not my map
i wish there were tons more options in forge such as color and properties and stuff. that way making maps like mcdonalds would be so much more fun! but from the "tinypics" looks good i've actually only seen like one or two of these believe it or not.
Map looks pretty tight, Pics are a little small but, Other then that I really like how it looks, Nice Job!!! 4/5
Looks good though bigger pictures would allow people to see a more detailed image of your map. But from what I can see it looks pretty good and you've interlocked quite well, but again you should get bigger pics, try using imageshack. Though the idea of McDonalds is pretty overused, its still pretty good, nice job