If you're a specialist, it's your duty to stick as many glowing red things on snipers as possible(On your own team of course).
I love this game to pieces, but I feel like I can't play it anymore because of the damn recon class. Just the way the game plays, compliments the recon class way too much, even without the ability to prone. IMO, I wish they really dumbed down the sniper class, by reducing damage on rifles plus handguns, giving a longer recharge time on the laser-guided missile, and reduce the number of radar thingys at start. But for now, ill stick to compact maps like 'Over and Out', and 'Deconstruction'. Edit: I may just stop playing Bad Company all together for a while, because I recently got re-addicted to Lost Planet. Lost Planet was the best multiplayer game before Halo 3, and It wasn't some shooter only occupied mainly by unintelligent americans, everyone played it. Even people from Japan and Africa played it.
I'll do it sometimes. I did just because I needed the weapons. Why does it matter anyway? Has EA or Dice officially stated it as cheating? If kids are going to do it, let them do it. They're not betraying you, and there really not ruining the game. Gameplay doesn't change, and the world keeps spinning. Are you kidding me? One shot of M95(the most powerful gun in the game) takes away 90 health. If anything increase damage on the rifle. But the handgun is a revolver, and revolver's are powerful guns. It's really not hard to deal with recons, and dodging a Laser Guided shot isn't exactly a walk in the park in tight spots, but it's easy when you start doing it more often. Why a longer recharge time? It already takes about a minute to a minute and a half before you can even shoot it again. And the motion sensors only last about 30 seconds.