-2000 = User is BanHamm0red? +2000 = User is Smothered in EPIC Winsauce. Thats all ive got for now :/
but he has the most rep on FH... -2000 The User should not be here anymore. +700 User is a fan of Bungie 0 User is neutral/ User is a noob
-200 user should try the sandbox instead 1900: user is the nemi of rep 1800: user is a kiss ass 100:user is the mastercheif 10: the user is getting there 0: user is is teh noob. PWN him. -1000: user is pwned by a traffic cone -200:user is a permaban 50:user got rick rolled
Following in any order. User is a Traffic Cone. User created Standoff in Foundry. User doesn't understand red is bad. User got a double-box in the Foundry Hallway. User is an Infraction. User didn't Embed Pictures. User got a Reptacular. User haz reconz. User likes ForgeHub. User needs a Custom Title. User needs a Custom Rank. User won the Rep Lottery. That's basically all I got, but I'll probably come back and edit.
2000: User is Titmar (TheYavimayan) 1900:User is wait what? how did you do that? 1800:User is a forum king. 70:User is a great member. 60:User is a helpful person. 50:User is liked by most. 40:User is setting the right example. 30:User has settled in and the community seems to have accepted this user 20:User is on the right path. 10:User is liked by some but still has a way to go. ---- 0:User is like a trafic cone you don't know if it will stand straight or randomly fall over. ---- -10:User is not setteling in well. -20:User is walking a thin line. -2000:User is still here for some reason.