I swear to god, If they make the BR a happy hopping noob fest like it was in halo 2, I will really, really, angry. And you won't like me when I'm angry.
First of all, I don't even get what point your trying to make. I got to 39 in 75 games, and I consider that impressive. Second of all, I popped Halo 2 into my box the other day, and the BR is completely unbalanced. It takes no skill to use in Halo 2.
If they do change the primary weapon set-up I will be pissed. Not because I love the AR but that's just a crazy change to make. BR lovers already have (basically) the hardcore matchmaking area. To I would be disappointed if they gave every matchmaking gametype BR start.
SMG START CAPS CRUISE CONTROL!!!! No, but seriously, they won't have BR start as the default, not happening. If anything it would be SMG in my opinion. But I doubt they will be changing that any time soon, no, but rather "re-balance" everything. By that I mean I hope they weaken the AR, and strengthen the BR, so no longer do I loose when I have a medium range battle with an AR user who is running at me, as I back away, getting only headshots :squirrel_shiftyeyes And the melee, it still doesn't feel like it did in Halo 2, which I liked, but I suppose it is better. Either way, I don't care if they change online or not, but it would be nice.
Well it would do bungie some good if they could fix the lag problem,fix the power weapons problem,fix the spawning problem,fix the ****ing death barrier problem,fix the cheating problem,fix the br problem,fix the melee system problem,fix the "bloodshot" problem,fix the sticky grenade sticking someone but not blowing up problem,fix the rocket problem,fix the ****ing needler problem,and all the other crap I didn't mention. Then Halo 3 would be as good as Halo 2.
But Halo 3 is already 4/6 times better than Halo 2. Halo 2 was epic fail. Halo 2 had online modding, glitches, a linear rank system, double shot, Bxr, and a load of other ****. Halo 2 was a failure, and the only people that I know who like it are bitter MLG kids. They think halo 3 sucks because the BR is a fair and balanced weapon now. So, to sum this post up, Halo 3>Halo 2.
MLG kids? MLG is the only reason i play halo. To get away from teh needlez and teh ARs and all the other noobie **** that take no skill, rockets in MLG actually take skill... skill to posses them and defend the carrier of the rockets ect. MLG is well balanced and no nubz
Every weapon takes a different type of skill, AR just gets all the heat because you spawn with it. Personally I think it would be better if burst fire made a useful difference. I'm good with the missile pod (not on vehicles, on infantry, that takes some skill). Does the lock on for vehicles make it nooby?
Not really, cause the lock on sucks. Even with the lock it is hard to hit stuff, and it takes multiple shots to take something down. The Halo 2 rocket could lock, and 1 shot was good enough. But I can't use the missile pod for crap,s o I am always amazed when people hit me with it as an infantry.
They should'nt make the SMG starting weapon, it would ruin the game. There will less grenading and melee, though i will always stuck people with plasma's.
Yeah as what macka said i never play default maps anymore, i onlt play MLG or play games with BR starts. The AR is extremely not balanced as a starting weapon. Why, because its extremely hard to kill a sniper or a guy with rockets. But with a BR start you can kill a sniper or a rocket guy from a distance. People who say that the BR is a bad weapon. Im sorry you are wrong, it is the best all rounded weapon that halo has to offer.