Map Title: Above Blackout Hi guys. Okay, so this is a quite cool map that is all based out of the boundaries on Blackout, meaning everything is above the map - hence the name 'Above Blackout'. This is quite a fun map with man cannons firing you into the enemy. For details on the layout of the map look in the pictures below. There is a lot of room on this level now so if you want to get out of the map you can download this map and use it to make your own maps out of the level. This is the second map I have made that is out of the boundaries on Blackout. If you want to see my other map which is a race track on this level then go on the link below: Race Track: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing These maps took me quite a long time to make so please do me a favour and download them. Please rate and give your opinions/suggestions for both maps. The link for this map is shown at the top of the page. Below are some pictures of this map: Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer Please leave comments and your feedback on this map. Thanks.
hi please get the pics on the post i dont care about it but some do, any way this is areally cool map i like it because it makes blackout BIG
thanks dude, its cool that i get feedback. i would post pics but i dont know how to :S i have only just joined this website like 10 minutes ago EDIT: Just found out how to put them in, didnt realise i just had to copy and paste them lol
well you are learning quck then arn't you lol if you need me then message me i will, i will send you a freind request
For some reason it says screen shot not found and i dont know why. when i try to go on the screen shot on it says that same thing :S can anyone help me? EDIT: pictures have been removed and i have had a warning because i didnt embedd pictures... how do i embedd pictures?
Why are you potstin a map this early in the morning!? Ok, I've never posted a map but if you look in this forum there is a thread that explains how to embedd pictures. I do know that you need to host your pics by using a site like photobucket in order to embedd. Thats a start Btw, wait untill mid-day to post your map. You'll get more replies
well it is 12:18 lunch time where im at. So isnt really early in the morning, but thanks for your advise. Iv really messed this thread up havnt i? lol
This looks like a pretty good map, but I would suggest that you do some more interlocking to make things flow a lot better. And can you change the title of your post to the maps name? Mods don't like it when you have a sentance for a title.
can i even change the title now? and what should i interlock? if i started interlocking i would have to change half the map cause it would change the size etc.
To change the title, hit edit on the post. Then go to advanced options and the field where you type the title will be there, change it to only the map name.
I thought that there was a barrier above blackout, But I guess that every thing's possible in forge!!!! Anyway looks really awesome, Nice Job! 4/5
It looks like a decent map, but relatively sloppy... I'm not sure how gameplay would go, either. Did you test it at all before posting?
hmmm odd, i remeber seeing a map exactly like this above blackout, i own it, it was posted on forgehub, i think its called introbang or something... not very original at all because it looks exactly the same except a few boxes taken out and a few mancannons and it looks like you can jump back on the original map of blackout and hideout there.
how have i copied that map? iv never even heard of it before, and i made that map from scratch, getting out the level myself aswell. so dont accuse me of anything! Edit: i cant believe you think i copied your map??!?! i made this from scratch so every box will be in a different place to urs, and i have never seen your map before in my life
I agree with silver it seems a bit sloppy you might need some interlocking even though its pretty tough.
will release another version of it sometime, which parts inparticular do you recommend i should interlock?
Looks pretty cool but unfourtunately it's been done many times before. I like your layout and looks like you spent good time on it. Great job, keep forging! 3/5 (would be 4/5 but -1 for originality)