Description: This map is basically 6 worthogs, 1 square, and major mayhem. FF stands for Fuzion Frenzy which is where I got the idea from (as you can see from the picture from above) Maximun Players: 2-6 Map: FF Sumo Gamy Type: FF Hill How You Play: Get in your hog, controll the hill, and dont fall off (easy as pie isnt it?). *Note* The fusion coils don't constantly explode Pics: The different colored lines show how small the hill gets in 2mins. 1v1 Staying On Share the Hill Fell Off the Hill More People the More Fun
LOLZ it looks like a regular monster truck map, but what makes it diff is that you dont fall to your death and also it has a hill and it gets smaller. I hate fusion frenzy, but you map looks funner than most monster maps, but would it be better if you replaced the hogs with ghost? just wonderin. 4/5 keep forging.
looks like a well thought out but simple game. nothing too impressing but nothing to bad either. good job
Looks pretty nice. I'm wondering one thing though: what happens if you go out of the hill? Do you not gain points? pretty nice though 5/5
i have some ideas for this map, i can PM them to you if you want, i was thinking of a map based on fusion frenzy but i choose to think of maps and give them away
great map 5/5 it would be geat if you found out a way to make the floor fall so the platform you have to stay on gets smaller and smaller every 30 seconds so you have to stay on the platform or you die
The coils will blow you up. Your right, you don't gain any points. Sure, PM me your ideas. I tried to do this (I had a dream on how to) but it didn't work.
I like the idea, and it looks like a good mini game map OOO I have an idea!!!! Make it bigger w/ mongooses that have passangers. MARIO KART FTW!!
Fuzion Frenzy was WINsauce from demos in Halo: CE. This picture is awesome btw: The way you lined out the territories, was really good, and I like how you put "The different colored lines show how small the hill gets in 2mins." Two minutes and BAM, you're fighting for a square ^_^
I would add more vehicles so to give the players a choice and make it impossible to get out of because a lot of stupid people strive to just escape maps lol. it is a good remake though but i have seen it done before. a 3/5 ps maybe in v2 add a little more in the middle for action effects lol