So me and my friends were remembering the days of Halo 2. We loaded up some Halo 2 and started playing it. Later on we loaded up some Halo 3 and downloaded a whole bunch of remakes. We found good versions of all the maps we were looking for: Sanctuary, Turf, and even Hang 'em High. But we couldn't find an Ivory Tower remake. Anyways, we were going to make a remake of it. But my friends suck at forging. So I was wondering if anyone would like to help me try to forge it. I don't know if we will be able to fit it on Foundry. But, I got to thinking and thought I might be able to fit it on Avalanche by floating it over the level, with the budget glitch of course. Now, I'm looking for someone who I know will be able to help. You got to know your ways around forge. Also you should have played Halo 2 and know Ivory Tower, inside and out. So anyone want to help?
Construct is the closest thing to ivory tower your gonna get and it has a lot of the same elements as it.
It's pronounced Ivory Snake. Oh... OH! That's a little big for foundry and I dont think Avalanch has the resources, sorry.
Lol @ Ivory Snake. I'll try it on Avalanche then. Oh and Construct isn't really that similar to Ivory Tower.
I tried making a remake of Ivory tower awhile back on Foundry. The size issue wasn't too bad yet, I really just ran out of stuff after the main middle area. I had some of the side room(s) done but not much, so then I had to finish the whole map without **** to work with, so it sucked. Meaning: Even Foundry doesn't have enough stuff. For a GOOD remake anyway.
Yeah, avalanche doesnt really have enough resources to make a large map like ivory tower. But you could make a Ivory Tower on foundry but change a few things. I personally liked Ivory Tower in Halo 2 and i thought about doing this. But then i got lazy and played match making
<3 believe me, i've tried it, many many times, the hardest part is calculating the correct placement in foundry so that you will be able to maximize the area you have, whilst keeping it in proportion with the H2 version. that, and those goddamn lifts... but i shall keep trying on my own.
Y'know, now is a great time to start asking Bungie for a remake. It's not harassment if we ask nicely, and en masse.
god, we have enough remakes already... it's not that i don't think it would be good (it would epic) but i'd prefer new maps rather than ones i've played before.
I would say both, there is still a few maps that I want from Halo 2 but I want new ones as well. Just the only thing is some of Bungie's new maps have been terrible. (Isolation, Snowbound, Sandtrap, Stand Off, Valhalla.) Halo 3's good maps are Guardian(a half remake), Narrows(new), The Pit(new), Blackout(remake), Cold Storage(remake), Last Resort(remake), Construct(new), Avalanche(remake). The reason why Bungie keeps on making remakes is because they dont want the fans to be upset and they make more money because people are seeing the old good maps reborn.
Jay, that whole blob of maps you listed is entirely your opinion. Isolation is fine, Snowbound is fine: just don't charge the guy that has a shotty. Sandtrap is fine with lots of people. Standoff is awesome, it has cars. WTF is wrong with Standoff? Valhalla isn't great, but it's good for objective games. Narrows is decent, but I don't like it much. Construct is terrible. You camp the lifts. That's it. Blackout is okay, Lockout was better, but it's okay. Also, this is my opinion.
haha thats funny. I never go into the bottom of snowbound, its not the shotty that ruins it for me. What I hate about Snowbound is the Shield doors and the ghost. The shotgun is fine. I dont mind Hardcore Snowbound. Now that has completely reborn Snowbound. I dont hate Isolation, I just dislike it. The spawn system is terrible and the ghost is another thing that ruins it. Stand Off is bad because it has cars. You spawn next to the team that has the warthog.