That guy DragonMunday is a well known map stealer, hes stolen one of my maps and one of Coolants and many other peoples maps also.
Chronic map stealer, he posted at forgehub saying to download all of his best maps from his fileshare - look at his fileshare: Click original post: Click
I always place a random item outside my maps so no one can pass them off at theirs, obviously you can't see it until you get outside the map. Anyways, it's especially stupid to download extremely popular maps and post them as your own. I havn't found any map takers, but I will keep my eyes peeled.
Bushido Elite >> Proof << If you scroll down, you can see that he even stole gradient. He mostly renamed the stolen maps, so he wouldn't be caught so easily. But when he posted screenshots for his "Marathon Map Pack", this showed more PROOF of is actions. Please add Bushido Elite to the blacklist.
its when someone downloads another map then makes a small change to change the creators name in the download box then they change the summary to their own name and take credit for anothers map
xXFreeekXx is on my friends list. I havent seen him attempt to steal any maps, recently. Although when I have pkayed with him, he does seem like someone who could steal a map, you know what I mean, he's a.... a.... A bit of a Douchbag. Oh once JAYclash told me this. He showed Jay and someone else a map he'd made, and Jay thought that he was AFK because he wasnt talking but he must've come back or something. Anyway, Jay told the other guy(ross) what he thought, he pretty much said it was crap. Well xXFreeekXx must've heard because the next day when Jay checked his friends list, xXFreeekXx was gone. Shows he cant take critisism.
whenever someone claims they made a map i made i just pull out my version of the map with a earlier date and say 'i must be really good at copying maps i copy'd your map before you made it i must be stealing your thoughts straigh from your head months before you think them! remarkable!'
Wow some of those are pretty funny, they say that they made them but in the description it says -made by trickmyster- lol pricless
Great idea for a black list and all, I am always scared of someone stealing my ideas. Although I dont have any names to add, I would like to say that I actually save a few videos of myself creating my maps for now fyi. It will give you some proof for backup with dates and technique. -Decker -Decker
Great idea for a black list and all, I am always scared of someone stealing my ideas. Although I dont have any names to add, I would like to say that I actually save a few videos of myself creating my maps for now fyi. It will give you some proof for backup with dates and technique. -Decker
I think you guys are forgetting about this list ;-] There have been a few people caught by th2mods and the people letting him know about it, Castorcanadandy is just one of the few he has caught on film, and put on youtube. I would suggest pming him about who all he has caught, as there have been at least 3 now. P.S. He runs a show called "To catch a map theif" if you didn't know already =]
You could always merge a key item inside of a box on foundry its a great hiding place because some map stealers will look outside the map and stuff and its not hard to prove anyway because of the date your map has an earlier date and they are same so the earliest is obviously the true one duh