~Download Bleak Euphoria Here~ Once a peaceful place, Bleak Euphoria has gone to ruin and now is cursed by heretics. 4 - 12 players. Description: Bleak Euphoria is an asymmetrical map. Within the map are three main big bases. The attackers base, the defenders base, and a 3rd base with no set team. The attackers base is pretty open (multi-ways to get in) and has a grav. lift that can send you over to the defenders base that. It's only there in symmetrical games though (Multi-flag, Slayer, etc). It's not there in 1-flag, 1 bomb, and other asymmetrical game types. The defenders base is pretty inclosed and with only three ways to get in. Although it is pretty inclosed, it's open for attack on the roof of it. (A section of the roof is made out of fence walls). One of the ways into the defenders base is to take a teleporter that is near/off-set in the 3rd base. The 3rd base is a small one at that. But it comes in hand in if you want to get around. The 3rd base is actually more of a "latter" to get around but it's a big structure in the map. (It's also 1 of the 3 ways to get to the sniper platform. A problem I had with this map was a few of the areas were still left open, so I made little structures in those places. (One under the sniper platform, another on the side of the attackers base that isn't on the side of the defenders base and 3rd base. ~There's a teleporter in that structer that leads you into the attackers base, it also holds the Spartan Laser) Well, that's the basic layout setup, I'm sure you'll understand where everything is by looking at the following screenshots though. UPDATES: Changed/Added a few layout things. Added pics of said changed layout things. Got rid of 1 BR and all the frags, added a spike grenade and reduced the respawn time of all grenades to 10. Sniper Spawn (Sniper is in the single open box) Right below the Sniper Spawn The side (3rd) base ~view 1 The side (3rd) base ~view 2 The side (3rd) base ~view 3 The side (3rd) base ~view 4 The side (3rd) base ~view 5 The Overshield spawn ~view 1 The Defenders base ~view 1 The Defenders base ~view 2 The Defenders base ~view 3 NOTE: The A sign seen in this pic is no longer there. The teleporter that takes you to the Rocket spawn area. The Attackers base ~view 1 (Outside) NOTE: The B sign seen in this pic. is no longer there. Plus the double box near the lower left side of the pic is flipped on its side. The Attackers base ~view 2 (Inside) The Spartan Laser spawn ~view 1 NOTE: The B sign seen in this pic is no longer there. Near the Spartan Laser spawn (And right below the Overshield) Action Shot 1 NOTE: THe B sign seen in this pic is no longer there. Action Shot 2 Action Shot 3 As for weapons and equipment, here's what's on the map: Weapons~ x9 Battle Rifles; 45 sec. respawn / 2 clips x1 Shotgun; 120 sec. respawn / 2 clips x1 Sniper Rifle; 120 sec. respawn / 2 clips x2 Spikers; 30 sec. respawn / 2 clips x1 Spartan Laser; 120 sec. respawn x2 Needlers; 60 sec. respawn / 2 clips x1 Brute Shot; 90 sec. respawn / 2 clips x1 Rocket Launcher; 120 sec. respawn / 0 clips x4 Carbines; 45 sec. respawn / 2 clips x2 Maulers; 60 sec. respawn / 2 clips x1 Gun Turret; 60 sec. respawn Equipment~ x1 Spike Grenade; 10 sec. respawn x4 Plasma Grenades; 10 sec. respawn x1 Bubble Shield; 60 sec. respawn x1 Regenrator; 60 sec. respawn x1 Overshield; 120 sec. respawn x1 Active Camo; 120 sec. respawn As for game types to play on Bleak Euphoria I recommend: Team Slayer; 3v3, 4v4, or 2v2v2v2 Slayer; 6 - 8 1-Flag; 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, or 6v6 1-Bomb; 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, or 6v6 Crazy King; 6 - 8 Team Oddball; 3v3 or 4v4 Team Slayer Oddball ~Download Here~; 3v3, 4v4, or 5v5 Bond of Leaders ~Download Here~; 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, or 3v3v3v3 I want to note that Bleak Euphoria is set up for all gametypes. So if you want to try out any others, feel free to. Be sure to have fun on it, and happy forging!
Wow nice map. This has an interesting well constructed layout. I think you could do a little more to the "filler" structures because thats really all they look like is filler. But all in all, this is a great map and you have my DL.
Looks good. I dig the upper layer. However, a good deal of the bottom area, (see following pictures: Right below sniper spawn; Overshield and laser views 1 & 2; and Defenders' base view 1) looks very open. These areas could possibly benefit from additional cover, for instance, a few barrels, crates and trucks, etc. Love the top level though.
Hmm... Looks like an interesting map. I think I'm going to have to try it in order to get a feel of it. I've DL'd. Also, I've banned from the Bungie forums, so I can't post my map on the forums. How did you get the page that you got for downloading Bleak Euphoria? EDIT:Never mind. I got it. lol.
Looks like a good fighting scene, but it seems like the people on the ground are screwed. I think it'll be fun to get like 5 people and play FFA but i couldn't see playing any other gametype on it. I give your map a 3/5
The structures on this map look pretty nice but the bottom level is extremely open. Maybe you could add some barriers or merged walls to give some more cover. The map looks pretty good though.
Downloaded and played this yesterday, the teleporters made it confusing, and the only weapons I could find were the Mauler, Sniper, Laser, BR and Carbine. Were are the Needler, Shotty, Brute Shot, Rocket, and Spikers? The Map has potential out the wazoo, and most of the areas that looked too open in the screenshots weren't. One thing that surprised me was how much the map reminded me of Prisoner from Halo 1. Keep up the good work.
I updated it. I'll try to get a pic system of where it shows where everything is on the map. But some of the new pics. show where one of the needlers are The other one is in the single open box right below the overshield spawn. If you want to know now, the two spikers are in the third base, in the second action shot is where the shotgun spawns, In the pic. The side (3rd) base ~view 2 the single open box (on the left side of the pic) is where the brute shot is, I made a new pic. that has a better idea of where the rocket is. Oh, and Prisoner was one of my favorites in Halo: CE. (The 4th fav.) and I must say, some of the things were inspired by it. (Like the fact of if you're up high you got a good view of the map, and you have the advantage ~also if you are down low you have some cover from above but not complete cover.
This map seems like the type of map that was thought out as it was built, besides that though it didn't come out that bad, so yea...
looks pretty good, thers a gd amount of cover but some things could be geo merged to mak it look nice but still looks very fun and well planed out
I'm still trying to figure out how to geomerge... But I would like to know what you think should be. (That way I can try to do so)